Flower Shop - Hanamiya Makoto x Reader

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Requested by: ChocoFluffBalls

f.t. Hara Kazuya, Seto Kentarō, Yamazaki Hiroshi and Furuhashi Kōjirō

 Hanamiya walked to school that morning with the usual serious expression on his face. But when he walked in front of the familiar store, his muscles relaxed and he breathed the fresh scent of aromatic flowers. He closed his eyes and stood still, forgetting about the whole world around him and just focusing on the mixed smells of the flowers. Whenever Hanamiya walked past that store he would always stop to cherish the wonderful smell. He never found this smell anywhere else. You could give him the most scented candle in this world, but he still would prefer this smell over that. Hanamiya loved the smell of books. That was why he loved visiting libraries, and Hanamiya never thought that he'd like another smell better than he cherished the scent of books. That store had been there ever since Hanamiya was a kid. He remembered his mother always buying a fresh bunch of flowers from that shop, and she would always place it in a vase at the centre of the room. Hanamiya didn't know what kind of sorcery was done to those flowers but damn, they smelt amazing.

Now, moving on to who owned that shop, it was your parents. You lived in a large house in your neighbourhood and that large house had the most ravishing garden. It was filled with plants of all sorts and you and your parents spent every single day taking very good care of it. You grew up in that garden along with the trees and other shrubs there. You picked up the art of gardening and helped your parents plant all sorts of greenery. It was when you were five that your parents had opened a florist shop near your home. You helped your mother in the shop everyday, preparing bouquets, picking the right flowers and you also handled the money. For a five year old girl you were surprisingly intelligent. Your IQ was higher than normal and you had no problem at school. You always picked things up very easily, and your parents were very thankful for that.

And so you grew up to be a well-mannered, polite and intelligent girl. Although, good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught. You weren't exactly perfect, I mean, you swore. But who cares, is there someone that grows up and doesn't swear? That's just abnormal. You had your friends, and a loving family. You carried on the tradition of selling flowers at the shop. It did bring a great deal of money to your family, because your flowers were one of a kind. It had been there for so long, and all of them were very well taken care of. Basically, you loved those flowers like they were your celebrity/anime crush. And that's like.....a lot.

But of course, taking care of the business meant that you couldn't go to school everyday. You loved studying and you were always keen on learning more. You were far by the smartest person in your school, and if you kept learning you'd probably become like Isaac Newton the second or something. You didn't get to see your friends often, although they spent as much time with you as they could. Your parents were extremely proud of you, always praising you about how hardworking you were. You weren't necessarily hardworking, knowledge just came to you in a flick of a switch, and it stuck to your memory like tar.

One day, when you were in the shop, you heard the bell at the entrance jingle and you looked in front to see a tall and muscular guy with black hair the length of his neck and he had very thick eyebrows...but you found that attractive. [A/N: Lol]. He walked in with his hands in his pockets and you noticed that he had the Kirisaki Daīchi uniform on. He looked at you and his eyes trailed up and down your figure. A smirk grew on his face when he saw you fidgeting.

"Um, may I help you?", you asked nervously.

He looked at you for a while before speaking, "Yeah. I need a bouquet of flowers"

"What kind of flowers would you like?", you asked politely.



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