A Visit to my Brother.. And his five very HOT friends! #7

Start from the beginning

Jenna? What was she doing here?

"Hey Decky!" she said with bouce.

"Jenna, what are you doing here?" he asked, narrowing his eyebrows. "Follow me." He put both bottles in the same hand and grabbed hold of her arm with his free one. He didn't stop until they were inside the house. He could finally hear his thoughts.

Jenna looked at him, pure innocence. "I thought you'd be happy to see me Decky!" There she went using the nickname only she used.

"Of course I'm happy to see you Twenty-One." He smiled when her face lit up at her nickname. "I just want to know what you're doing here."

She shrugged, but then winced as if in pain. "What's wrong?"

Her eyes were downcast. "Nothing, just my shoulder."

"What happened to it?"

Her head shot up. "It's nothing.."

"Sure." Before she could protest, he yanked off her jacket and pulled down one shoulder of the shirt she was wearing. Hearing her cry out didn't help anything.

"What the fuck happened Jenna?" The bruises on her shoulder were practically new. Declan was almost positive that she had more of them. "Tell me what happened now."

Jenna pulled herself away and straightened her clothes. "It was Jerry," she whispered.

Shit. What.. How the fuck didn't he know that their father was back? "When?" he asked through clenched teeth.

"About two days ago. He came back and agrued with mom. Got drunk and took his frustration out on the first thing he saw.. Which happened to be me."

Declan was pissed off. The fucker hit his own daughter. Declan wanted to jump on the first plane to New York and give his sperm donor a piece of his own medicine. But right now, Declan knew he should be here for his sister. She needed him more.

"Jenna, I'm so sorry I wasn't--"

She held up a hand to silence him, "Don't even start that Dec. It's not your fault."

He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. "You're gonna stay here. I don't want you going back there."

She laughed a little. "That's why I came. I knew I'd be safe here.. With you."

He kissed her head, "Always Twenty-One. Always."


Bradie's POV:

Bradie was uncomfortable. These guys couldn't keep their hands to themselves. And every one of them who tried to talk to her, hit on her. She thought she'd have fun, but so far all she got was nasty comments by most of the guys and the evil eye from most of the girls. This party was a total bust in her mind. She glanced around and spotted Marcus and Talon standing together talking to a mixture of girls and guys. She found Zach being fawned over by some blonde. Ricci was with a girl in a corner, and Ash was talking with Dani. Only Dani seemed annoyed. She continued to look around, telling herself that she was NOT looking for Declan. But when she finally spotted him, her face heated up.

When she told Dani about what had happened, she told her the truth. Bradie was falling for Declan. Now, when she looked at Talon all she felt was an affection. She knew she loved him, but only as she loved Marcus, or Dani. Declan, on the other hand, made her weak-kneed. She knew that what she felt for the two were totally different.

Declan's movement caught her eye and forced her out of her thoughts. But what she saw made her frown. Declan had two beers in one hand, and was pulling a girl who looked about eighteen or nineteen, into the house. Bradie wasn't sure what she felt, but she couldn't stop her feet from moving, from following them.

By the time she spotted them again, the girl's jacket was on the floor and Declan had pulled one side of her shirt off her shoulder. What the hell was going on?

Bradie turned her back on them and was now faced with Dani. Dani's face held a smile until she saw Bradie's face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Bradie said quickly. Maybe too quickly because Dani didn't believe it.

"Sure." Dani tilted her head and looked through the glass door and stiffened. Great, Bradie thought.

"What the hell's going on in there? Who is that with Declan?"

"I don't know."

"Well it looks like they know each other very well."

"I'm sure."

"This guys a real prick. How could he do this righ after he kissed you. GOD!" Then Dani yanked the door open and stalked in. The next thing Bradie heard was Dani's voice.

"You have some fucking nerve!"

Bradie managed to retreave her failing courage and followed Dani in.

"Dani stop. This is none of our business."

"No, Bradie. This prick can't go around kissing you and then make all lovey-dovey with someone else." Bradie looked at Declan. He seemed confused, but not as much as the girl. Now that Bradie was close enough to see her face, Bradie noted that she was beautiful. She was tall, curvy and what Bradie was sure was a real tan.

"Decky, what's all this about?" the girl asked, looking up at Declan. Bradie stiffened at the nickname. Dani spoke before Bradie had the chance, "Yeah, Decky," Dani spat the nickname back, "why don't you tell us what's going on?"

Declan looked down at the girl and then laughed. "Wow, isn't this the biggest misunderstanding in the world?"

"I fail to see the humor in this situation Casanova," Dani argued.

The girl's eye caught hold of Bradie and Bradie noticed that she didn't feel any harsh emotions coming off of her. The girl almost seemed.. Sorry? But for what?

Declan reached for the girl and pulled her into his side. "Bradie, Dani, this is Jenna Adair.." he looked down at Jenna. "My baby sister."

The girl laughed, "I'm far from a baby Dec."

Bradie wanted to vomit. She looked at Dani and saw that she was red. Boy was she embarassed.

"Jenna, Bradie is Marcus' sister and this is her friend Dani.. They're staying with us this summer."

Jenna smiled big, though it didn't reach her eyes. Bradie knew that Jenna was hiding something. And from the look Declan gave her, he was as well.

"It's nice to meet you two," Jenna said sweetly.

"Likewise," Bradie said as Dani said, "Same here."

They were quiet until Zach came in the door. "Dude, there you are.. Where's my beer?"

Declan broke off from them, "I'll be right back, kay?"

All three girls nodded as Declan followed Zach out the door. They looked at each other in quiet until Jenna finally spoke, "So, Decky kissed you?"

Just like that, the tension broke and they started laughing.

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