28. and the truth shall be revealed.

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the poor punching bag had to suffer hard and fast punches from the girl, bouncing back and forth. cassie wasn't the type to get angry; she rarely ever got mad. however, this was completely different, and since she never deals with anger, she figured the boxing club would be a good place to take it out in.

"what has that poor bag ever done to you?" james commented through a laughter as he folded his arms together.

"it's a bag, james." she muttered while throwing another harsh punch.

"okay, spit it out. what's wrong?" he asked, placing himself in front of her.

cassie clenched her jaw and took a step back, shaking her hands beside her thighs. james sighed through his nose before holding up his hands, causing her to frown slightly.

"what are you doing?"

"hit me and rant at the same time. i've heard it helps." he winked, earning a scoff back.

"i'm not gonna' hit you."

"why not?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows. she looked at his hand and exhaled in defeat, giving in to the joy of punching something other than a bag. "there you go. what's the problem?"

"alright." she cocked her head sideways and raised her fists before placing a punch on his left hand. "matt ditched my art show. which, honestly, i'm not that mad over anymore. i get it, he had to practice. but a little warning could be nice."

"mhm." james mumbled, clenching his hands and arms as she continued beating them. "and art is very important to you, that i know. what's the thing that really angers you?"

"two things, actually. first, i'm angry with myself for ever letting him in. i told myself to not get involved with someone last year of college. that was the one rule i had, and what do i do? i date my roommate's brother!" she explained shortly, hitting him so hard that he had to take a few steps back due to the force. "sorry. anyway, we will have problems once we graduate, it's inevitable. i mean, i don't know what he wants to do! it's too complicated to even think about."

"you're afraid you two are gonna' break up because of differences?" james asked to be sure, which she nodded to.

"how could we not? we both need to settle down and make sure we're good. relationships will only make that harder." she exclaimed, pulling both hands through her hair.

"you're stressing too much, which will only make it even harder. and the last thing?" he asked, raising his hands steadily. feeling all that anger return, she continued punching his hands and swallowed a lump in her throat.

"matt is hiding something from me." she started, feeling sweaty on her back. "and knowing matt, it could be literally anything. it could be about something small and silly, or he could've cheated and feels too guilty to tell me. or it could be–"

cassie looked up and abruptly stopped her movements. james glanced away as she parted her lips and frowned deeply. he had a knowing look on his face, and he saw that she clearly noticed it.

"look, i–" he began, but she quickly cut him off.

"you know?" she spat, stepping backwards. "you know what it is that he won't tell me?!"

"i'm sorry, he came over and asked me not to tell you." james apologized, sighing in guilt.

"oh, fuck you." she muttered as she made her way out of there, rubbing her own hands to try and not completely lose it all.

as she reached the college and entered, she wasn't particularly surprised to matt in the hallway with chris and mason. she locked eyes with mason whilst approaching them, clenching one hand beside her body.

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