Chapter Thirteen

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Mas moved around the house swiftly,sweeping the living room and preparing the place for guests.

It had been six months since their visit to Jamaica and she had invited her family to come see where she lived.

She also invited Sydny's father and recently,stepmother along with his sister and her husband.

Sydny and his family were already there,the men outside preparing the meat on the grill with a beer in their hand and Sanya and Hunter's wife preparing sides in the kitchen.

Gia and Josh were supposed to pick up her family from the airport and carry them to her house but instead Gia is here on the couch eating chips,leaving Josh to do that duty solo.

"Stop dropping crumbs everywhere! I just swept!" Mas complained.

"Sí sí lo que sea. Un monstruo tal control," Gia brushed her off.

Mas leaned down in front of Gia's face and whispered," Speak one more word of Spanish to me,insulting me and these won't be going in just your mouth."

"Ay Chica! Ok."


"Mommyyy ,"and just like with a snap of a finger,her whole demeanour changed.

Gia shuffled over to Josh to complain about Mas' violent threats,to receive a laugh.

"Come come. Put down your bags and let me show you around and introduce you to some people you might want to meet," Mas said dragging her family members about the place.


At the outside picnic table,laughter polluted the air and threatened to choke everyone around.

Everyone was enjoying themselves and some in their own little world until they were brought back together by the tap of a fork on a wine glass.

"May I have your attention everyone?" Sydny said standing up,"You might not know this,but today marks the second year since the day I first met Jhonnie and Mas. It has truly been the best two years of my life. Through the ups and downs of it all but I feel as if I've gained a family. And that's what I'm here to ask of. Mascina Dominique Hunter AND Jhonnel Macey Daniels,will you give me the honour of being in your lives for a very very long time?" He got on his knees with a beautiful white gold engagement ring with a big diamond in the center and a small round promise and purity ring for Jhonnie.

Mas couldn't believe her eyes. She was crying and it wasn't because she didn't take the medication,she made sure she did this morning. For the first time she was crying out of sincerity and happiness,granted it felt slightly weird,but that wasn't on her mind at the moment.

Before she could say anything Jhonnie beat her with a 'Yes!'.

"Oh and mommy says yes too!" Jhonnie exclaimed creating laughter amongst the group.

Mas only nodded joining Jhonnie with a 'Yes!'.


"Still can't believe your engaged Chica," Gia said walking around with her baby girl in Mas' office.

"Me either. And I can't believe you had a baby. "

"Me either. I can't believe the wedding is two days from now. "

"Me either. Come on. Let's go home. I'm tired and we have a party to plan."

Mas' night was filled with red wine glasses and magazine clippings along with old television shows on Hulu.

The three girls,Mas,Gia and Leilany spent the afternoon planning Mas' bachelorette party until their was a knock at the door.

"Guess she isn't used to the doorbell either," Mas laughed and got up to answer it.

"Is Sydny here?" A blonde lady asked trying to peek through the gaps between Mas and the doorway. Mas also took noticed that she had a sleeping two or three year old over her shoulder.

"No he isn't."

"Well uh are you the wife?"

"Soon to be. Why?"

"Well uh that means you can take Christian for me. When Sydny comes can you tell him I bought a little suit for him to wear for the wedding and everything is in the bag?" She said politely handing the child over to her.

Mas was in so much shock and she couldn't be rude to the lady, she was so nice.

"Wait no I think you have the wrong Sydny or something,"Mas defended.

"Are you sure? Sydny Jagan. Doctor at Johnson and Jagan Clinic. Tall,brown hair. Getting married in a few days. Congratulations by the way," the lady smiled slightly.

Mas was so lost from this world. She looked down at the child on her arms to see he had Sydny's features.

"How old is he?" Mas asked goosebumps forming on her arms and legs.

"Just turned two yesterday."

"Oh. Um, well I'm going to be honest with you. I can't take this child. Sydny told me nothing about him and I don't think this is the right thing for me to do," Mas discussed.

"But he's Sydny's son. I knew he wouldn't tell you, just thought he would have fixed himself up like how he was getting married."

"Mommy!" Jhonnie exclaimed running up to her," Who is that?" She asked pointing to the baby.

"Jhonnie go inside please,"Mas said letting Jhonnie know this wasn't a joking matter making her squeeze past her mother when she gave her way.

Mas turned her eyes towards the pathway Jhonnie came from to see Sydny slowly approaching.

"Hey Lidia," Sydny said nervously taking Christian from Mas' hands.

"Hi. Is it okay if I leave now?" Lidia asked.

"Sure,"he said knowing he was in deep trouble. He only hoped she wouldn't shout at him since the baby was sleeping.

Lidia left the premises and Mas glared at Sydny dropping the bag Lidia gave her by his foot, "You had a child and didn't think this was important to tell me?!"

"I didn't get the time to,"he lied.

"You didn't get the time to. Lidia told me that he turned two yesterday. We have known each other for six months, been dating for one and a half years,and engaged for another six months and you didn't get the time to tell me?! Did you cheat on me?!"

"No I didn't. It was in that time we first met. I was stressed out and Lidia used to work at the clinic, we would, use each other to relieve our stress. And one day she came to me and told me she was pregnant. We didn't do anything after that but I wouldn't leave my child fatherless,I couldn't," he explained.

"Just like you couldn't tell me,"Mas said taking the baby from his hands and taking up the bag,retreating inside,locking him out.

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