Chapter One

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"NO! LEAVE HER ALONE! GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER! NO! PLEASE," she bawled living eye water watching the police take away her daughter.

It was only a matter of time since the neighbours had done something. They had always been suspicious of the happenings of that little family next door. They had always been shouting at each other, fighting,and of course neglecting the little girl they had,only about four or five years of age.

The little girl had not been troubled while the officers gently placed her in the car with her bags. She actually felt happy. She was finally getting to go somewhere. Her dad would never allow her to go anywhere. Not even outside to play on the grass. 'It might catch fire one of these days with my blunt so it's best you stay inside,' he always said. And when she protested he'd threaten to not buy her that doll she had asked for.

"Baby I promise you I'm going to come get you! Mommy loves you and daddy loves you too," she said the last part a bit sceptically as she looked over at her boyfriend trying to bribe the police officers.

The child merely waved and blew her a kiss. She was too excited for the sad theatrics. She was finally going somewhere! And with that off they went.

The mother broke down crying on her dry lawn.

"Marisol get up. What if my blunt caught fire on this grass?"

"Don't call me that! I'm not you Spanish whore remember. I should have never gotten with you. Now they have my baby."

"Fine if it means so much I'll go get my boys and get her."

She blew her fuse that time.

"I'm kidding. I love my little girl and I'm going to get her back one way or another. "

She started crying again.

"You better!"


"Miss Mas-,"

"That's me." The bloodshot eyes mother quickly stood.

"You can go in for your checkup."

She muttered a thank you and stepped in.

"Oh look it's my favourite patient today."

"I'm not in the mood just stick whatever needle you're gonna stick in me and tell me how much million it costs," she was frank. She had just lost her daughter and she was not in for the load of bull this doctor always came up with.

"No more needles."

"Why not? My treatment isn't done."

"Macy, your health card declined and your insurance is cutting you off."

She felt turmoil boil inside her.

Slamming the door,she made her leaving known to everyone in the building. How could they do this to her,she thought, It's like today is a day to just kick her over.

Feeling tired she decided to go home to her deadbeat boyfriend.


She laid in bed that night crying her eyes out. Her boyfriend,Jackson, hadn't gotten home yet. She wanted to feel worried but all she felt was the hole where her heart was.

And after much more tears she fell asleep.


"Mas! Wake up! Wake up!"

She thought it was a dream but there was crying and shouting and she felt chills down her back.

When she opened her eyes she quickly shut them and opened them again.

'Mas' grabbed her little girl and held her tight to her chest.

"No time for hugs! The police are on their way!"

"What?! What do you mean? What did you do?!" She eyed him.

"I told you I'd get her back one way or another. Now get dressed and packed. Where you go will have no connection to this side of the world. And you'll be free again. Like you always wanted to be.

"Jackson. I can't leave you. I love you. Jhonnie loves you. "

"Love you too but you need to go. I'll protect my family till I die."

And with that he left her to packed and sort herself out.

Their final goodbyes were tears from 'Mas' but Jhonnie seemed not the least bit moved.

He kissed them and got them safely off,sending them to a secret illegal life,waiting for what awaits him.


While they were gone he slowly walked the long distance back to his house to find the yard filled with officers.

"There he is!"

They cuffed him and read him the Miranda rights as they pushed him in the car.

Throughout the whole thing he was silent and surrendered. His family was too important to him.


"The Daniels trial will now begin."

Jackson zoned out most of the trial until he was called to the stand and took the oath.

It had been three weeks since he was arrested. Three weeks since he's seen his family. And three weeks since he began planning his speech for this same court room.

"Mr.Jackson Daniels I will remind you that you are under oath. "

"Yes ma'am," Jackson acknowledge the female Judge.

"Very well. You may proceed prosecutor."

"Where were you three weeks ago around ten o'clock pm."


"Doing what?"

"Saving my daughter."

"Ah so you admit that you caused physical harm to many to obtain your daughter."

"I never said that!"

"Mr.Daniels calm down."

He was a bit antsy. He wasn't worried that they would find his girls, he made sure they wouldn't. This trial was so huge it was being publicised across the nations and maybe a few other countries.

He worried that his girlfriend or worse his daughter might find out what he did and hate him.

"Mr.Daniels, were you at the shoot out the night it happened and did you flee the scene with you daughter. "

The truth will set you free,he thought.

"Yes. I did."

"And did you shoot and kill a man with an illegal firearm you were in possession of?"

"Yes. I did."

"Final question. Where are the girls now?"

"I don't know."

"I don't believe you."


"Court is in recess. We'll resume in twenty minutes when the jury decides on the verdict."


"Do you have a verdict?"

"Yes your honour. We find the defendant,Mr Daniels guilty and think he should be sentenced 25 years of jail. No bail."

"Very well. I agree. Bailiff please take Mr Daniels there. Court adjourned."

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