Chapter Ten

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Laughter flooded the home as Hunter, Sydny's father,told jokes.

"And then I told her to go eat the mud and she did!"

That one got the most giggles from Jhonnie who was plopped on 'grandpa's ' lap.

She had never had grandparents or so she thought,and when Hunter was ready to claim her as his first grandchild she didn't have much objections,after all he gave her candy and told funny stories.

"Mas darling, would you like to help me in the kitchen?" Hunter's girlfriend,Winsome, informally known as Winnie,asked in hopes of getting to know her some more.

"Sure," Mas agreed and left with her to cook dinner.

"I like her," Hunter said to Sydny when she was out of sight.

"Me too,"Sydny said looking at her retreated footsteps.

"When is the wedding?"

Sydny almost choked on the air he was breathing. He got so worked up that Mas ran in with a glass of water.

"You ok Sy?"

"Yea I'm fine. Thanks,"he reassured.

"Ok,come on Jhonnie,"Mas held out her hand and took her into the kitchen.

"Dad I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend yet much less marriage."

"And just what are you waiting for?" A voice sounded from the doorway.

"Sanya,it's not as simple as you think it is you know. "



"Enlighten me brother."

"Well uh. It just isn't."

"Wuss. "

"Ok ok you two. Yes he is being a baby. And he has to ask at dinner tonight,"Hunter interceded.

"What? Why can't I do it myself when I'm ready?"

"Because you never will. Ok how about I get the flowers and you go buy us a cake and dad can get some wine,"Sanya planned.

"Done already,"their dad smirked, leaning back in his recliner only for it to break and fall down causing the  two kids to burst out laughing.


"Dinner is serv- you ok?" Mas asked Sydny who looked as if he took a bath in anxiety and nervousness.

"I'm ok,"he sputtered out not making her very confident about his answer.

At the dinner table,Hunter sat at the head and his girlfriend at the other end. Between them were Sydny and Jhonnie on one side and Mas and Sanya across from them.

This arrangement was due to Sanya pushing everyone around and putting the flowers smack dab in the middle of the table.

Mas had a few questions but was hungry so she let her have her way.

Halfway through their lovely dinner of Lasagna and steamed vegetables, Sydny stood up.

Mas just assumed he was going to leave the table so she returned her eyes to her scrumptious meal,according to Jhonnie.

"Mascina Dominique Hunter."

This definitely caught her attention. She looked up at him and felt her own mouth fall in shock.

He stood there with the biggest bouquet of flowers seen to man, which looked like a dozen bouquets put in one, and he adjusted his shirt as he swallowed down the anxiousness.

"Will you please be my girlfriend?"

Mas smiled but beside her Sanya hit her head on the table and Hunter groaned.

"What happened to the 'I love your cocoa eyes and they way sparkle in the moonlight' and all that loveliness?" Hunter remarked.

"I panicked!" Sydny defended.

Mas giggled,like Jhonnie often would, at their theatrics. Their family seem to always bring laughter to her eyes and she was happy about that.

"What are you laughing about?" Sydny asked with a fake upset look but a tinge of hurt.

With that look she burst info full on laughter,which resulted in everyone laughing which resulted in them on the floor.

Sydny slid over to Mas and held her hands,"Will you?"

"I would love to be your girlfriend."

And the two lovebirds sealed it with a kiss.


"Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?"

Sydny saw that Mas was purposely ignoring Jhonnie and was about to burst.

"No Jhonnie. You'll know when we are. How about you go sleep? When you wake we'll be there," he comforted holding her.

"Ok. "

"Thank you,"Mas said closing the window and pressing the flight attendant button to get Jhonnie a blanket.

It's been a year since the two have made it official and they have finally decided it was time to meet her parents,before it got more serious.

When the plane landed he took Jhonnie up and Mas led him through the airport.

Jhonnie however woke up soon enough and was upset that they didn't wake her to tell her that they had arrived.

"Jhonnie stop this right now before I slap you,"Mas threatened Jhonnie to kill the bad attitude.

Jhonnie just pouted and looked up at Sydny wanting to lifted up to see the place above these tall persons' heads,but Mas wasn't having it.

"No you are a big girl,standing on your own two feet."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!"Jhonnie screamed before running through the crowd of the airport.

Of course Mascina was pissed. She couldn't believe what the little girl had done.

Sydny however wasn't phased. He knew it was only a matter of time.

"Are you going to help me look?" Mas asked, looking at the guy who's staring at the path Jhonnie ran through.

"Oh yea. Sorry."

The two searched the place until they found Jhonnie in the bathroom crying her eyes out.

Mas looked at her child with an angry face until she realised what she was doing.

She hasn't taken her medication this morning, in fact she left them at home. She didn't tell Sydny because she knew he'd get upset, but the looks he had been giving her since they were in the plane told her he already knew.

Sydny calmed Jhonnie down and took both their hand and proceeded to get their bags. Neither daughter nor mother had exchanged any words except a small 'thank you' when Sydny bought them sandwiches from Subway.

They went next door to the Rental Car Emporium and got a family friendly Suzuki for the trip.

Mas drove,still remembering the roads to her parents' house as if it had been yesterday she left. But really it had been almost twelve years since,and Mas could only hope for the best. 

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