Chapter Twelve

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Lilo and Stitch walked into Mas' house together and caught the eyes of everyone. Jhonnie ran up to Mas and hugged her legs.

"I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean to make you sad."

Mas' face held a lot but in that moment everything fell and it held only regret. She stooped down to Jhonnie and ruffled her hair.

"No Jhonnie,I'm sorry. I was rude and mean and that was unacceptable. I love you. "

"I love you too mommy."

Stitch,also known as Kristina, stood in awe.

"That's Jackson's kid isn't she?" She asked.

Mas nodded and faced her," Look. I know what I did wasn't the right thing,and I have gotten over it. Right now, I am focusing on fixing my life. And repairing all the broken things I left behind. "

"I'm glad you finally came to your senses,"Kristina said," And I hope that works out for you."

Mas smiled and introduced her to Sydny and Jhonnie.

"Hi, do I know you?" Kristina asked shaking his hand vigorously.

"Not that I can tell,"Sydny responded.

"Huh. Ok. "

"Well you younger people can stay, but us older people must retire at some point, isn't that right Jordan?" Daphne joked.

"You go along mom. I'll go to sleep soon,"he played along.

"Ok dear. Goodnight all. Have a good night's sleep and Kristina,come over for breakfast tomorrow," she said retiring up the stairs.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Kristina smiled.


Mas heard bits and pieces of chatter as she brushed her teeth. When she woke,Sydny had not been beside her and she figured he had taken Jhonnie downstairs with him.

When she waddled downstairs she could not believe her eyes,Kristina had her hand all over Sydny,constantly touching his biceps in her usual flirting manner.

She knew what Kristina was up to,after all they had been best friends for years,this was her usual 'get a man' trance.

Mas stood and watched some more before getting too sick and stepped down.

"Good morning."

"Morning," Kristina said scantily as she moved away from Sydny,who seemed unresponsive throughout all of this.

"Where's Ma? Thought she was cooking breakfast?"Mas questioned the disappearance of her mother.

"There's a note for you," Kristina enlightened, pulling it put her pocket and handing it to her.

"Dear Mascina,
     The ingredients are in their usual places,hopefully you remember them.
This is your chance to redeem yourself ;) . Make us some yummy breakfast. Be done by ten.
  Love Mama."

When she looked at the time she noticed she only had an hour and a half to make this gourmet breakfast.

"Why didn't you wake me?!" Mas shouted at Kristina as she ran around the kitchen to find what she needed.

"Don't shout. I told her not to. Didn't think it would take long," Sydny picked up for her,and to be honest,maybe it's her not taking her medication but it kind of hurt that he was on her side. It made Mas wonder what was really going on down here before she came.

Mas bit her tongue to keep from retaliating and just got started on breakfast.

"We'll give you some space so you can move faster," Kristina said,taking Sydny by the hand and leading him outside,to which he didn't object or pull away his hand.

Mas stood staring at the door until she smelt the eggs burning.


The whole day was full of Kristina and Sydny being touchy touchy and Mas following behind like a lost puppy. Even Jhonnie noticed it when she asked "Why is she taking him away?"

Mas could only answer positively,knowing that was the right thing to do rather than to feed the child with hatred of her 'best friend'.

She got so fed up at one point that she asked to speak with Kristina alone.

"He's your boyfriend. Whatever you have to say to me surely you can say to him," Kristina smirked.

"Fine. Jhonnie go inside."

"But mommyyy."


Mas waited until Jhonnie's back was behind the closed door before she exploded.

"What the hell Kristina?! You are supposed to be my best friend! And you're over here flirting and touching up my boyfriend!"

"Hey hey. That's not tr-"

"Shut up Sydny. She knows what she was doing. And I can't believe you allowed her to do all that stuff."

"Sweetie is it because you left the medication? Are you feeling mood swings again?" Sydny asked genuinely but all it did was fuel the fire that was burning inside Mas.

"I don't give a damn about the shit medication! She knows what she was doing!"

"Caught me redhanded,"Kristina admitted with a smug look," You stole Jackson from me,ran off with him and had a child with him! It's only payback!"

"You're crazier than I thought. You and Jackson were broken up! I didn't date him because you did! And what I did with him is none of your damn business!"

Sydny was hit with all this information and he finally understood why Mas was acting this way. Her best friend was trying to take him from her and he didn't even notice. He's been blowing her off all day and he definitely knows he'll be in the dog house now.

He was drawn from his thoughts when he saw Kristina lunge at Mas.

He quickly grabbed Mas away or tried to. He yelled out for help and Jordan came running out and helped him to separate the two.

"I don't want to see your ass ever again. Don't touch me, Sydny!" And with those last words, Mas stormed inside.

Sydny ran after her,shouting apologies but only got as close to the door when it almost connected with his face.  Refusing to move,he sat at the doorway until he started to hear crying. He knew this wasn't Mas,it was the mood swings and the emotion  of it all. The fact that your best friend tried to hurt you emotionally and physically can be very detrimental.

"Mas open up. Please don't cry. I'm sorry," he pleaded over and over and over again.

But the door didn't open,until Jhonnie knocked.

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