Chapter Four

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A knock on the door woke up the sleeping Mas as she dreamt of a better time. She got up grumbling but was surprised when she opened the door.

"What are you doing with my daughter you control freak?!" She yelled as she grabbed the sleeping Jhonnie from his hands.

"Shush. Next time keep an eye on your daughter. If I wasn't there when she walked into the wrong alley no sorry limped into the wrong alley she could have gotten hurt even more by someone else."

It was then she realised the cast on her little girl's foot.

Her face softened and she looked at the doctor with sympathy.

"I'm sorry. Thank you very much. Uh,what happened?"

"May I come in first?"

"Uh," she was unsure about letting anyone see this dump she called a home," sure."

The doctor followed her in and explained how Jhonnie had stepped on something sharp before he saw her when he was going home. He told her that he carried her to his house and fixed up her foot.

"Doctor I'm so sorry. I want this to stop. Please. My little girl means the world to me and I'm lashing out at her. "

"OK. Come down to the clinic tomorrow morning and I'll start. "

"Thank you again and I'm going to get a job and pay you back. I promise."

At that moment Jhonnie,who was on Mas, woke up and realised where she was. She wasn't afraid of her mommy. No,she just didn't like getting her upset.

So she took her time,sliding over to Doctor Jagan's lap.

"Pumpkin pie?" He received a raised eyebrow from Mas, who resided beside him on the couch, due to the funny nickname he chose for the young child.

Jhonnie didn't answer but instead began to fall asleep there.

Mas let out a sigh,knowing she definitely had to do something about her behaviour lately.


Mas stepped outside with Jhonnie the following morning,about to carry her to school.

A very shady looking man who had a blunt in his hand came up to them on their walk and she quickly pushed Jhonnie behind her.

"Put that thing out don't you see my child asshole?"

"Oh. I'm sorry Ma."

"I'm not your damn mother don't call me ma. And drag your damn pants up. Looking like a damn hooligan in the place. Did your 'ma' raise you to do that? " then she kissed her teeth,a custom from her home country she just couldn't shake.

The man seemed so frightened,he followed her instructions and quickly dragged up his pants and put his smoke out.

"Now what the hell do you want?" She inquired with Jhonnie behind her looking amused at the situation.

"Well uh,"he had forgotten what he came for the way she had put him in his place.

"Nothing. "She ended for him and took Jhonnie's hand and walked off.

She dropped Jhonnie at school and turned down the road to go get her treatment then look for a job.

"Wait!" The same guy ran back up to her,"Do you want a job?"

"Not from your disrespectful ass,nope."

"Please. We need someone to run our empire. The guys need someone that they'll listen to and right about now they are running loose. Killing everything and nothing."

"You want me to run a drug empire?!"

"Shushhh. And no it's more like an assassination service. "

Mas blinked at him and walked off.

"Wait. We'll pay you anything you want. Your daughter will be safe. You will be safe. Come on you did say that you wanted a dangerous job."

"How do you know that?"

"News spreads quickly and one of our guys heard when he walked pass that clinic. "

"Even so,I don't want an illegal job!"

"Don't think of it that way. Think of it like a helping service. We kill the bad guys police can't catch or we're supposed to. That's why we need the leader and you're best for that."

"Fine. I'll think about it. Now leave me alone."

"No can do ma'am. I can't leave till I have an affirmative answer."

Mas grabbed him by the collar and got in his face,"Tell whoever the hell sent you that I'll give my answer when I'm ready,capiche?"

His eyes widened and he nodded quickly. "Yes ma'am."

And with that they went separate ways.

"Ok so you can take this medicine to reduce your jumpiness and anxiety and therapy sessions with nurse Dunbar,who comes in on Thursdays," Doctor Jagan told her.

"OK thanks Doctor."

"Call me Sydny."

She giggled and nodded before leaving to find a babysitter. She had thought long and hard about it and she decided she might take up the offer.

She was going to find the place tonight and see what it's all about.


"Mommy! Nurse said that I can stay over anytime. Can I go please?"

"I don't know about that."


"Fine. Go pack a bag," Mas gave in, hoping the nurse would be kind enough to loan an eye on her daughter with the lack of of a sitter.

Jhonnie ran off to do that and Mas got ready for her meeting,putting a red trench coat on so she wouldn't look too suspicious,in her full black costume.

"Jhonnie come on!"

Shortly after she ran down and dragged her mother by the hand out the door,no one was happier than her. Her mother was letting her stay somewhere other than school and home.

The two walked into the clinic and realised it was empty.

"Hellooo?" Jhonnie called out.

Doctor Jagan came down at the same time.

"Well hello princess. What are you two doing here?"

"Well I was wondering if maybe Nurse Johnson could watch Jhonnie for the night for me. I know it's a lot to ask but this one favour please. I'll never ask again. "

" I'm sure she doesn't mind. She loves Jhonnie. I'll take her there soon. I'm just closing up."

"Oh. Are you Ok?" She finally took note of his disheveled hair and open tie and suit button tops.

"Yes it was just a bit hot and I got stressed so I was pulling my hair out again,"he said with a chuckle but Mas knew what the real reason was.

But she trusted Doctor Jagan so she wasn't worried about Jhonnie. Look at that. She's only been here for a few days and she's already trusting people.

With another 'thank you' she drifted off into the night's wind, to go find the 'Empire'.

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