Chapter Eleven

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The door swung open to showcase a young beautiful black woman who had curves on her tummy and was a bit chunky around the thighs.

Mas wondered who this was because she certainly didn't remember her in the last twelve years.

"Mascina?! Mas-Mas?! Macy?! Oh my gosh! MOMMY!! You have to come see this! Who's this guy? Who I can't believe you're here! Is this your daughter?!"

And instantly Mas knew who it was.

"What is it Leilany?" And then stepped out Mas' mother.

She had a hard time registering all the changes. She could not recognise her nine year old sister who she had left behind in her act of selfishness. And her mother was truly changed as well,her grays were more evident and her cheeks sagged a little but she still looked beautiful.

"Momma," Mas exclaimed quietly on the verge of tears.

And in that moment Mas' mother did the opposite of what she expected. She slammed the door in her face and ushered Leilany away.

Mas stood in total shock, amazed by her mother's cruelty.

Shortly after the door opened again and she was engulfed by the same woman who slammed the door a few seconds ago,both now in tears.

"I missed you so much!" Her mother cried.

Imagine not seeing your child for twelve years, no calls, nothing, naturally you'd be upset,but knowing that your child is well and alive just makes your heart beat all over again.

"I missed you too."

Sydny and Jhonnie shuffled on their feet next to them,not sure what to do.

"Oh my. Such bad manners. Hi, how are you? I'm Daphne," Mas' mother introduced herself, "come in!"

Mas took in the house as she walked. It looked just the same,unlike the people inside of it.

Suddenly she was attacked. Whatever it was,was big,tall, heavy and sweaty.

"Uhh! Help!" She mumbled but it was muffled and when the person moved away she couldn't believe her eyes. This couldn't have been her little brother that she left twelve years ago at age fifteen.

The boy was way taller than she was and definitely changed his dorky exterior.

He dragged her off to the living room where they chatted and caught up and Leilany would go on and on about Mas-Mas' white boyfriend.

"Where's Pops?" Mas asked cutting the sound in the noisy room.

Everyone had a sad look on their faces.

"Didn't you get our messages?" Jordan,her brother asked.

"No I had a new phone when I left,"she said feeling suspense build up in her,"What happened?"

"Daddy died three years ago Mas-Mas," Leilany explained.

Everyone in their household knew how close Mas was to her dad. So a blow like this hit pretty bad especially since she hopped out on her meds today.

It was as if she fell in a black hole. A black hole named depression. She couldn't believe it. Her daddy,the one who taught her how to ride a bicycle,the one who taught her how to  cheat her mom into getting her way,the one who mentored her through faces of life and the one that she hurt the most,the one she left behind in the act of selfishness.

She excused herself from the bunch and stepped outside into the backyard. She sat on the stone path and cried her eyes out. If she hadn't been so stupid.

She heard a sound and looked up to come face to face with her father. She jumped up quickly not believing her eyes. He looked sick. His eyes held a sad story that doesn't want to be told.


"Princess, why are you crying?" He touched her face gently and wiped her tears,"I'm so happy to see you. Aren't you happy to see me."

"Yes daddy but you're not here!" She cried even harder.

"You're right,"he responded, "I'm right here,"he pointed to her heart.

"Mascina?" Jordan called.

And like that her daddy vanished.

"Why did you do that?! I was talking to daddy!"

"Pops is gone Massy."

"No he isn't! I was talking to him! He touched me! And you scared him away!"

"Mas calm down."

"No!! You made him leave! My daddy isn't dead! He isn't he isn't he isn't!!"

Sydny heard the commotion and ran out and grabbed Mascina into a hug holding her close.

"Did you drink yesterday?"

"I'm not crazy!" Mas responded.

"I didn't say you were I just asked a question," Sydny calmed her down.


"Did you take your meds yesterday?"


"Ok. So you're hallucinating. "

"I'm not crazy!" She said slapping his hands away and running inside to hide in a room, she couldn't take it any longer and had to do something about it now.


They all gave her the space she desired though they worried deeply about her safely.

She sat on the roof of the house wishing her life hadn't turned downhill. Her father died,she abandoned her family, her daughter isn't talking to her and she's stuck on ADHD medication. She couldn't stand to bear so much pain in her heart. She looked down at the ground beneath the house and her breath caught in her throat.

She would never bring herself to commit suicide. Impossible.

She looked out to where her best friend once resided,next door.

They got in an argument around the time she left and never spoke since. It was something about Mas dating her ex boyfriend and he's bad news and all sorts of things.  She was too caught up in her thoughts to notice that a slender, light skinned lady stepped out of the house with a hand on her hip.

"Excuse me? Are you mad?" The lady called out confused as to why this random lady was on her neighbour's roof.


There was silence, then the person opened the connecting gate.


Mas slid down the roof safely and ran towards her old friend and hugged her tight.

"I missed you Lilo."

"I missed you too Stitch."

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