F L A S H B A C K:

(video will be shown becuz im a lazy ass and we all known it)

N O W:

His hands covered his face from embarrassment as Maya and Zay laugh remembering the funny memory.

"He was like, 'ITS ROMEO AND JULLIET AND FARKLE!' and like I wanted to just die on the floor laughing." Maya said in giggles whilst Zay laughs to hearing it.

"Wasn't Lucas like, 'Hasn'th no lines?" Zay said whilst having tears in his eyes from laughing,

Why? Of all plays, why Romeo and Julliet?

Farkle felt a hand rub against his shoulder and he looks to the side to see Riley giving him a smile, like it was saying:

"It's fine."

Well at least someone felt his pain.

"Class, quiet down, now we will discuss who will play the parts! Since this is not drama club, you can volunteer people you would like to play which part you like them to play." Then suddenly Maya's hand rose up and you could see her smirking at Riley.

"Well, well Ms Hart. I didn't expect such an excited response from you. So what part would you like to play?" The teacher asked and suddenly Maya's smirking was making sense to everyone.

'Oh shoot,' Farkle thoight and he looked away from Maya's stare to avoid any eye contact in which said, "I CHOOSE YOU!"

"No Miss, I actually would like to volunteer Farkle Minkus as Romeo." And the teacher's eyes widen from her words.

"Are you sure Ms Hart? We can have Mr Friar do that part once again." She recommended but Maya did not like that, after al, she supported the love of the two.

"Yes Miss," She said with a proud tone, "I'm sure of it."

The teacher stared at Farkle, making him uncomfortable at the look she gave him. He already knew that he sucked at acting, but then again, he did try out that drama camp and they said he was doing well.

"I volunteer to be Julliet!" Someone said, whispers spread throughout the room, Farkle looked to his left and saw that Riley stood up with a proud smile on her face.

"Miss Matthews, once again, Julliet? Well, does anyone else want to be Julliet." She asked, but only a period of silence responded making her sigh in disbelief.

"Mr Friar, as part of the old play we had, I thought you would have participated in the play." The teacher assumed but the boy shook his head.

"If Riley and Farkle are acting as Romeo and Julliet then I would rather watch it than be in it. It's Riarkle, what do you expect?" He replied, making Maya fist pump the fellow 'friend'.

"O-k-kay then, Riley and Farkle will be our-our Romeo and Julliet." The teacher stuttered in shock, you could see the look of suprisement in her eyes.

Farkle looked to Riley with a smile, his heart fluttering at seeing the girl infront of him once again. He happy that she would be playing Julliet, and that he will be her Romeo.

The only good thing he remembers from that day was that he was her first 'kiss'. To be honest, he wished that he actually kissed her on the lips but young Farkle wanted her to choose the person for her own first proper kiss. And guess what?

He's currently trying to court her bestfriend.


"Alright, Miss Jones, please hand out the papers to the rest and all of you grab your highlighters!"


Someone else's POV:

"So, why do you want Farkle Minkus to attend the London school of Science?" The interviewer asks the father, as he noted down some notes that were important for picking certain students.

"London seems like a wonderful place for my son to start and as you can see from teacher's reviews, they kept on saying that puts his full effort to every observation and experiment he makes. So please reconsider my son's place."

So, does love really last forever?


okay, so probably this book is gonna end soon in like a 2-4 chapters time. it was suppose to end long time ago but i wanted to carry on lol.

i am very grateful for all your comments and votes, please keep anticpating for more updates.

furthermore notice:

ik, ever since GMW ended, i wondered:

will you guys still want me to carry on writing riarkle books?

like i really do but because the t.v show ended, i don't know.

should I still?

yoonicube xxx

I care about you (Riarkle) [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now