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Riley's POV:

I was shocked, my heart stopped at hearing those words.

"I want you to be mine, away from people like Charlie."

"I care about you Riley, I don't want you hurt."

He-he wants me to be his?

I felt this feeling of excitement and sadness. At the moment, accepting Farkle's love would probably be what I needed. But after Charlie, I think I wasn't ready for a relationship. I don't want to be in a relationship already, I need a break. From all of this. To pick all of my broken pieces.

My hand hovers over Farkle's chest, I look into his sea-blue eyes - the ones that I wish to see everyday and sigh. I feel his body tense at what I did.

I promise Farkle, I will accept your love.

"I'm sorry Farkle," I said with a quiver, my lip were shaking from the cold and this urge to cry. I was trembling in this world of sadness.

Just wait.

"I need some space."

A droplet fell down my cheek, I felt guilty that I can't accept him yet. However, arms embraced my waist and his hand guided my head onto his shoulder. I sob once more, relieving all of this sadness inside of me.

"I really thought he was the one, I'm sorry for not listening to you." I cry, thinking about how kind and caring Charlie was before I started having feelings for Farkle. But I tried to block my feelings for him, just for Charlie.

"It's okay Riley, I'm sorry as well. Just cry for now." He assured me and more sobs escaped my mouth. His hands caressed my hair as my tears stain his sweater. But he didn't care, he just carried on reassuring that everything will go back to normal.

Suddenly, a slam from the door happened. My heads lifts off of Farkle's shoulder to see Charlie bruised on his face with Rianna clinging onto him. Charlie's eyes widen and turn into a furious look - like what I was doing was more worse than him cheating on me.

"Riley, what the fuck are you doing! Get away from that dipshit!" He growled, I couldn't stand his presence. My arms detach from Farkle's gentle grip and I walked with fury towards my cheating 'boyfriend'.

I look up and down at Rianna, her arm was still clinging onto Charlie. Wow, I scoff at the sight in front of me.

"So this is the person you cheated on me with?" I retorted and Charlie looked at me with embarrassment. I scoff even more, my hand immediately flies up from my side and  went into contact with Charlie's cheek with power.

I felt a stinging pain on my hands, but it was worth it. The door opens more and people start to notice that I slapped Charlie as the red mark was so prominent that even a blind person could see it.

"What the hell, Riley?" He cursed and I slap him once more for luck and glared at him with fury.

" Congratulations Charlie, you don't have a fucking girlfriend anymore. May you fulfill your hormonal needs with that cheerleader of yours." I spat and walked away from the scene, leaving everyone.


Third POV:

She left the scene as people laugh at the exposed ex-boyfriend who was left in and with an embarrassment.

Farkle wondered why Charlie would do such a thing. Why he chosed Riley, why he chose his first love over everyone.

I care about you (Riarkle) [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now