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Third perspective:

Farkle was running to drama class since he was like one minute to being late, due to having a talk with Missy.

It was exactly the most nicest conversation they had, well, it's Missy we're talking about.

T H E N:

"Farkle, wanna make out in the closet like we did in the last week of school?" Missy 'seductively' whispers to Farkle's ears during Lunch, caressing his thighs.

Farkle's eyes widen and he immediately glares at Missy, in disgust he removes her hands from his thigh. He didn't even know how Missy came over to their table, she just moved over to his table.

"Farkle, why did you do that?" She complains, making Farkle even more disgusted.

"I don't want to be near you anymore."


He walks off, making Missy follow him and she places her hand on his shoulder and he shooks it off.

"I won't hurt you but please get away from me, I don't want to deal with you anymore." He said in a monotone, she froze until realising why he acted like this.

In awe, she scoffs at his developing love for a special girl. The special girl that was called a 'slut' a week before, who was an emotional wreck.

"Riley, no wonder you're like this." She managed to say with a tone of disgust, Riley took Lucas away from her, then Charlie and now Farkle. "She's a slut, Riley took away everyone I was interested in."

His eyes burned with fury, digging deep in her eyes as she said those words.

"Riley isn't a mirror Missy, she has a charm that Lucas was interested in but he gave up on her because he loved someone else. Charlie? That boy didn't care for Riley, he used her like a toy. And I? My feelings have been there since we were 7 years old so shut your mouth and research your facts before saying bullshit." Farkle explained with a growl, sending chills down Missy's back causing her to feel scared at how Farkle was. Suddenly the bell went, ringing throughout the whole building signaling that it the start of last period.

"If you say one more word about Riley, make sure to look out. I may not be able to hurt you but I connections Missy." Farkle threatened, being so protectively about Riley and walked off trying to go to class before being late.

N O W:

"Farkle Minkus, explain why you were late?" The teacher asked and Farkle frowned, he was late to class.

"Sorry Ms, I had a conversation with a classmate of mine." He replied and the twacher nodded in response.

He sat down next to Riley who was smiling seeing Farkle.

He still felt those butterflies that flew and flutter around in his tummy, excited from seeing Riley. But, she didn't want a relationship, she needed some space.

But what if he accept the offer, will she go with someone else?

He didn't want that, he fought hard for Riley. He won't simply just give up because of that offer. No. But it still lingered in his mind.

"Okay students, I have good news to tell you especially for you drama enthusiastic people... We will be performing Romeo and Juliiet once again!" The drama teacher exclaimed with joy, yet Farkle was currently cringing at hearing that due to memories from before.

I care about you (Riarkle) [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now