Chapter Twenty-Eight: If You Make Yourself A Problem

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"Welcome to MTT-Brand Burger Empori-OH! OH GOD!"

Burgerpants ducked behind his counter as Papyrus leaned over it, grinning.

"L-Look man! If this is about the Gl-Glamburgers I stole, it was a onetime thing! I'm not a thief I swear!" yelled Burgerpants putting his paws over his head.

"Easy now, you and I are friends, remember?"

I love this guy.

"Wh-What? Uh, yeah. Yeah! I must have forgotten; I haven't seen you in so long."

"Well I can't exactly enter the Resort covered in dust, now can I?" said Papyrus, tapping his fingers on the counter.

O-Oh god...

"S-So what can I do for you, buddy?" asked Burgerpants with a strained smile.

"I'd like some Glamburgers please, if you'd be so kind," said Papyrus getting out the money Flowey had given him.

"Oh yeah, of course! many?"

"Just a couple."

"A couple?"

Burgerpants began to sweat.

"That means two."

I ADORE this guy.

"Gotcha. Two Glamburgers coming right up!"

"Thanks very much."

The cat began frantically searching for any Glamburgers he could find.

Oh god, oh god...

Please let me find two burgers, just please, two burgers!

Burgerpants had known Papyrus for a long time; since he had started working at the MTT Resort in fact. Once, while he was smoking out back during his break, he had seen Papyrus slaughter a monster whilst grinning and laughing like a madman. That's how their "friendship" began.

"Nyeh heh ha ha ha ha!"

Burgerpant's ears perked up, hearing what sounded like an actual witch cackling.

What the hell was that?

Taking one last drag of his cigarette, he flung it to the side and walked out to the back alley.

"So, you thought you could steal from the Great Papyrus did you? Without any consequences? Nyeha ha ha ha ha!"

"Please! Just leave me alone! I gave you your money back!"

Holy shit...

"That's not good enough I'm afraid. Thieves like you are a threat to my brother and a plague on this earth! You've got to go."


Papyrus stabbed them through the throat with a bone.


Burgerpants turned around and began walking out of the alley.

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