Chapter Twenty-Five: Making Friends

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Chara ran as fast as they could to Waterfall as soon as they heard the door to Sans' house shut, their little shoes pounding on the docks. They were exhausted, but they had to keep going.

They had previously run all the way to Snowdin and hid behind the shed, breathing heavily and praying that Sans wouldn't find them. The pudgy little skeleton reminded them of a character called Fat Albert. He looked out of shape, but he was a rocket car in disguise. They had no idea how they beat him to Snowdin.

They could still make it. If they could get to the Throne Room before Sans got through doing...whatever it was he was doing..they could win.

They didn't need to Reset.

Not yet.

I need a better weapon, this glove won't cut it.

Are the ballet shoes still here?

They were.


Chara took the rotting feet out of the shoes and put them on. They fit perfectly, and now the child had a complete outfit. The dusty tutu was still in the same place as well and they had put it on earlier.

"Hey, those are mine!"

Chara jumped as a little girl's voice spoke to them out of nowhere. The voice echoed throughout the area, almost drowned out by the waterfall.

"give me back my shoes..."

"Who's there?!"

"Gimme my feet back too!"

The same terrifying aura Papyrus had given off was surrounding him again.

Is there another Horror Font in the area?!

The human ran from the small patch of grass, their feet made no noise on the dock due to the ballet shoes...

But someone else's did.




A terrible scraping sound could be heard behind them. It gave them goose bumps like nails on a chalk board.

"Give me back my shoes!"

Spinning around, Chara gasped as they saw what looked like a little girl, charred to a crisp, crawling towards them. She was dripping wet as if she had just got out of the water and her hair did little to hide her blackened face.

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