Chapter Five: Helping The Captain

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"SANS! WAKE UP LAZYBONES!" Papyrus kicked open his brother's door as was his daily routine.

Sans, of course, was curled up fast asleep with his disgusting grease ball that USED to be a blanket. It was getting to where it was difficult to tell them apart, and Papyrus had to struggle to keep himself from vomiting.



"SANS I KNOW YOU'RE AWAKE, AND I AM NOT CARRYING YOU," yelled Papyrus, already pissed off. His lazy brother was going to miss work AGAIN. It was a miracle he hadn't lost his job already. It was true Sans brought home the most money from his job as a stand-up comedian, but his sentry work was important too. Their house was friggen' expensive damn it!


I'm going to have to carry him.

Papyrus, thankful for his gloves, peeled Sans from his blanket and attempted to carry him out the door, only to be stopped short.


"it's my door frame, you let go of me," replied Sans with a yawn.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR NONESENSE!" Papyrus shouted as he tried to pull Sans off.

"we would if we both took the day off. we have vacation days..."


Papyrus angrily pulled Sans backward while watching the balcony behind him wearily.

"come on bro, you're killin' me..." whined Sans pitifully.

"I'M ABOUT TO!" yelled Papyrus slowly losing his temper.

Sans merely laughed and tightened his grip.


"that doesn't sound safe bro," said Sans still laughing.

Papyrus stopped pulling on Sans and crossed his arms. "NOW WILL YOU GO TO WORK ON YOUR OWN?"

"i don't REMEMBER agreeing to that." Sans let out another yawn and stretched his arms up to the ceiling.

The taller skeleton took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. His rage was beginning to take control again.

I need to get out of here NOW.

Without another word, Papyrus headed down the stairs and towards the front door. "You're lucky you've one hp, you little shit."


"I SAID I HOPE YOU GET FIRED FOR THIS!" shouted Papyrus from the bottom of the stairs.

No he didn't.

He loved Sans.

His brother was his everything. He was the only family Papyrus had left. He was the only thing that kept him grounded to reality. He was the one of the only reasons he didn't swan dive off the nearest cliff.

Sans was a fragile angel that everyone loved, and for good reason.

His font was Comic Sans, the Comedy Font. His power was the ability to make others laugh, regardless of whether or not he was funny. Simply talking with him made people happy.

Fonttaleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें