Chapter Eight: In His Shoes

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Sans bent down and peered closer at the eye staring at him between the planks. It was dark down there, but he was sure it was in fact an eye.

The owner of it said nothing.

"hey there buddy, you okay?"




Without thinking, Sans jumped into the water and swam under the docks. He felt himself being pulled to the thing that had been watching him like a magnet to metal.

It was even darker under the planks. He began to search blindly with his hands, driven by an impulse he didn't understand. Hair tangled in his fingers, but the owner of the eye gave no indication that they were in pain.

What the hell is this guy's problem?


His sockets grew wide as he realized he was grabbing a body.

Sans immediately drew back in disgust, but the body followed him. In his panic, he gasped and foul tasting water seeped into his mouth. Scrambling onto the dock, he fell to his knees, coughing and spitting in a desperate attempt to rid himself of the taste. The smell of rotting flesh was overwhelming and he gagged, getting up and staggering away from the area as best he could until something held him.

His hand was still tangled in the body's hair and the corpse was stuck on the dock preventing him from moving forward.

Sans took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself and ended up gagging again.

Slowly and carefully he untangled the hair from his fingers and let it fall onto the dock.

You really suck bro...

He sighed, looking at the bloated carcass with a grimace.

He couldn't just leave it there, especially since it was affecting the water supply. All the water located after the docks was polluted by trash. This was all the clean drinking water they had.

Water you waiting for? It won't bite...probably.

Bending down, Sans tried pulling the body out of the water. He was careful with his pulling. He didn't want an arm to come off, and he certainly didn't want to end up holding a handful of flesh simply because he had pulled too hard and it had slid off some bone.

Finally managing to get the corpse onto the dock, Sans saw that it was completely blackened.

I guess she wasn't disintegrated after all...if it's even her.

It had to be her.

She was missing her feet.

Her eyes, bright blue, stared at Sans lifelessly. The fact that they weren't burned away by the blast, meant that she had closed them before she was hit...and the fact that they were staring at him, meant that she had survived long enough to open them again.

Did Papyrus drown her?

Sans gathered up the poor child and teleported down to the dump.

He knew nothing about human funerals, but he knew the garbage would cover up the smell wafting from her. It was the only way he knew how to preserve whatever dignity she had left.

FonttaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora