Chapter Thirteen: Sick To Death

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The human in the blue sweater didn't respond.

Flowey gave them an experimental kick to see if they'd move. A groan was heard, signaling that the child was still alive.

They WERE alive, but they didn't move. They couldn't move. Their stomach hurt like hell. Everything was hell. Fuck that bake sale, and fuck those spiders.

"Chara get up. We got work to do."

Chara still didn't respond. They couldn't even hit the reload button.

Flowey glared down at them angrily.

Did they actually get the diabetes?

Flowey kicked them again.

What the hell happened to Toriel? She should have been back AGES ago!

Dumb little shit...

This is all YOUR fault.

"You brought this on yourself you know," said Flowey smugly. "Maybe if you weren't such a fatass you wouldn't be in so much pain."

Another kick.

"I'm gonna have to carry you aren't I, tons of fun?" Flowey summoned his vines and wrapped them around the child. "I'm gonna have to carry you like a little baby."

Dragging Chara, Flowey made his way back to the Special Place. It was nowhere near as close as Toriel's house, but that was the point.

Chara had to pay for this SOMEHOW. Flowey had wasted his time watching over them, WAITING for them to shape up and stop being an idiot, but they were determined.

"Maybe if you walk all the way back here, you'll lose some weight."


"Gosh, you might even grow a brain and do what you're suppose to! Wouldn't that be special?"

He grunted as he tried to lift Chara and walk at the same time. His little roots weren't meant to carry so much weight.

Flowey sighed as he reached the pitfall puzzle. There was no way he was making it across with Chara dragging behind him.

He could of just dropped them into one of the pits, but he remembered what happened to the little baby he had found in the Ruins. They broke their neck from the fall, and he was afraid if Chara reloaded, their stomach would too.

And we'd be right back here, because you're too brain dead to learn from your mistakes.

Flowey scratched his chin thoughtfully.

Maybe if I lowered them down with my vines like a rope sling thing...

Activating the nearest pitfall pit, he gently tried to lower his sibling into the hole...and was immediately pulled down with them.


Chara hit the ground face first with Flowey falling on top of them.

I don't know why I thought that would work, but they haven't reloaded, so that's good.

The vines had kept the child's limbs from breaking, but their head had hit the ground hard enough to knock them out.

That's even better.

Serves them right.

The tiny flower continued to drag them toward the hole that would allow them to reach the other side, when a voice spoke to him, sounding concerned.

"Oooooo...I heard you fall from the next room...." said a ghost with sad eyes.

"Beat it Casper. We don't need your help."

"But that creature has so much L.O.V.E....they won't make any friends if people see it..."

"Take a hike!"

The small ghost with sad eyes floated over Chara, and moved in a circle.

-25 EXP


"I only wanted to help them make friends...but it looks like I just made things worse. Oh no...." The ghost then vanished, leaving behind an enraged flower.

Oh my god...

Flowey checked Chara's stats.

LV: 1

HP: 20

AT: 10

DF: 10



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