Chapter Twenty-Three: Balance

Start from the beginning

"Humans and monster would like you to believe Fonts were super powerful beings with the strength to rival gods and devils and that they were near unstoppable tyrants, but that wasn't true," said Asgore closing his eyes, "they had a golden rule just as we all do that kept them in check. It was 'If you become a problem someone will eventually solve you.'"

I thought the golden rule for everyone was "treat people how you want to be treated"?

"what does that mean?"

"It means that no matter how powerful a Font is, there's always another who's better. If someone like Papyrus for example were to abuse his font, another skeleton like...Hush, would put a stop to him." Asgore thought back to the war when the Horror Font, Hush, had threatened to steal his voice. It had been one of the scariest moments of his life. Hush was just like their namesake, quiet in every way. Asgore didn't even hear them enter his room.


"That's the Silent Font. They can suck the sound out of a room and make people permanently mute. It would make Papyrus's lies useless on others. Supernatural is another Font that could take care of him." Asgore shuddered visibly. Supernatural was a force to be reckoned with and they STILL gave him nightmares. They killed thousands of humans and monsters with the...creatures they'd summoned ALONE. He remembered being secretly star struck by the Horror and their mastery over magic although they had terrified hm.

Shaking his head of the memory, Asgore pointed to Sans' hoodie. "That device is a dictionary of every Font ever found. You'll find information about almost any Font in there."

Sans took the device back out and switched it on. The screen lit up and showed a white screen with tabs.

"I've given this to you for a very special reason Sans. I fear that we don't have much time left. If Alphys was right about your teleporting ability, you may be the world's only chance of rebalancing itself."

The tabs read: Attribute, Type, Raising, Location, Scan, Project, Requirements, Search, Cell, and Help.

The skeleton was tempted to start checking things out, but he knew what the king had to say was probably pretty important if he was talking about the world and all.

"When a human dies, their skeleton is the only part of them that doesn't rot away. Those skeletons, when enough magic has been absorbed into them, become Fonts. Humans have taken it upon themselves to bury their dead underground so no more Fonts would arise."

"pap said a baby bones would get a certain font depending on how it's raised..." said Sans, remembering what his brother had told him.

"Nature always has a failsafe in case something big happens. If there's no chance for reproduction, skeletons can still be born another way."

A build up of magic...?

"I want you to get to the surface Sans, and I want you to find a buried Font named Horror. You are to dig Horror up by any means necessary."

Sans looked a bit worried. This sounded like a quest. He wasn't good at doing things that required work.

"where are they? why are they so important?"

"Check your dictionary. The details are all in there."

Sans used the directional buttons and choose the Search tab. Typing in the name Horror, he waited for the page to load.

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