"You can call me Asli, I mean I don't know what to say"

"Tell me about you, what do you hate the most? What do you like?Asli"

"I hate fake people, and when people die"

"Dying is a natural thing Asli, tell me why you hate it?"

"Because my parents died when I was a little girl"

"How did they die?"

"My dad I don't know how he died, I was young and nobody told me about him. I heard some things but my mom she.....she... became mad really really mad and lost her mind when she found out about my dad's death"

"How did she lost her mind, I mean tell me how do you know she lost her mind. Her actions and her words"

"She loved my dad so much, she used to tell me that they knew each other from high school. And they stayed together for 15 years. When my dad passed away. She started acting really strange. 3 months after his death, she started preparing meals for my dad. Every dinner, she used to make a dish for my dad. One time she started telling me it was my fault that my dad died. Then she started crying and asked me to forgive her and I did."

There are tears in my eyes right now. I wanted to cry so bad. But I stayed strong and holded my tears. I am a big girl.

"I am sorry, how did she die?"

"I don't want to talk about that please"

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable when I am around Asli ok. Our discussion is private"

She started packing her stuff.

"I am going to see you 3 times a week for the first 3 weeks then the last 2 weeks we will see each other 2 times. You will come to my office."

"Thank you Dr. Jones"

"Your welcome honey you can call me Rita"

I opened the door for her and she left.

I went to sit on the couch.

Curiosity got over me so I decided to open the box. There was a note inside that said:

It is just a gift please just accept it!! Ali don't make a scene about it. Somebody offer it to me but I don't need it so just take it. By the way call me so you can tell me how was your session with Dr. Jones.
James Thomas.

James phone number was already in there. So I decided to call him.


"Hello Ali how you doing?"

"I am doing fine, what about you? James"

"Fine too, so how did your session go with Dr. Jones I heard she is good ?"

"Yep , she is "

"I chose a woman in case you know you don't want to talk to a man you know with your religion and all"

"I appreciate it so I thought maybe I could make dinner tonight you know as a way to thank you for everything you have done for me. Are you coming home tonight? or you have something to do since you are a CEO and you are really really really busy", I said with a sarcasm.

"Are you making fun of me Ali?"

"No why would I?"

"You better not Ali, since you worry so much about me Miss Ahmad yes I will come home around 8. I have some paper to finish since I don't have a P.A"

"Why don't ask someone to be your assistant like before I came to your compagny? Ask the blonde woman like last time"

"I don't want her"


"Because she is always trying to show me her boobs, last time she was wearing a really showing crop top and she even dropped her papers on the floor in purpose. She is too slutty for me"

"I mean how would you know what she was wearing if you didn't look at her breast? huh"

Got him.

"I didn't look at it"

"Right that's what they all said James", I said and laughed so hard.

"You better shut that smart mouth of yours Asli, I better see my DINNER when I come home woman", he laughed.

I said bye and hung up.

What am I going to cook??

The Lost "Amira"Where stories live. Discover now