He was excellent in Maths and Literature, weird combination I know.

I checked my watch to find it was almost 2.

"Okay I gotta go! Its almost 2", I said and got up.

"Well you better hurry up then Crystal".

We made our way to the roof again. I climbed up the railing but stopped. I don't know why but felt a tad bit scared to hold the tree and climb all the way to my roof. Was it because no one was there to catch me in case I slipped on my roof?

"Umm Raymond.." , I was starting to say but he cut me off.

"Come on. You can do it. I'm holding you Crystal", he said and held my waist.

Is it weird that I actually felt butterflies in my stomach?


"Do you trust me?" he asked me, his crystal blue eyes resting on mine.

I really didn't have an answer to that so I gave a half-hearted nod.

All the while I was making my way to my roof, I was trembling like hell.

"Okay see you tommorrow then", he said with a smile once I was on my roof.

"Yeah good-night."


Once I was in my bedroom I sloughed down into my bed sleep overcoming my tired soul.


"I am warning you. Tell me the code!" a girl shouted. She was tall and had curly hair, her face lilac almost honey-like. It was dark so her face wasn't exactly visible.

Lying on the floor was a very scared looking girl who was tormented and tortured. She seemed resolute though, ready to fight.

"Just kill me! I don't care", she shouted and stood up putting all her strength.

Suddenly a sound was heard. She looked down to find her orange stone-fitted bracelet lying on the floor.

Before she could grab it the other girl had already taken it like a jet plane.

"Wow! Is this yours?" she asked her, her evil eyes sparkling.

The tormented girl knelt down on her knees and almost begged the girl.

"Please don't do anything to that", she said.

The girl laughed at her cruelly. She twirled the bracelet around her fingers and crushed it.

"Why? Is this your soul?" she mock-laughed at her.

"No but its pretty important to keep me alive and you don't wanna kill me right now do you!" the miserable girl said.

"No not yet", she said, smirking.

"Where did you get it anyway?"

She didn't answer.

"Just give it back!"

However the arrogant, rude and mean girl laughed and put the bracelet inside her pocket and took out another bracelet. It was simple with a striking green stone studded in the middle.

She pressed the green stone and everything seemed to get blurr.

The miserable girl lying on the floor staggered back and fell down with a yell, screaming and shouting in agony and that's when I woke up from my sleep.

I was totally drenched with sweat. It felt as if I was the one who was being tortured back there. Quickly I checked my body from top to bottom and heaved a sigh to find I was okay.

Immortal Soul (Book 1 Of The Immortal Series)Where stories live. Discover now