D.T.T.K |19|

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Baby Malani Amor Banks in the mm

*8 months later*

|Kehlani King| 🌊

"Push baby girl it's okay." I was currently standing next to my best friend as she squeezed the life out of my hand as she gave birth to her beautiful baby girl.

She screamed out in pain, "I fucking hate you Bryson."

Bryson just gave her a stank face. "Woman you love me, now focus baby my little girl stuck in there." We both look at one another and laughed which caused Ariana to get furious.

We grunted out in pain as she squeezed our hands harder.

"Just one more big push Ari and your baby girl will be here." The doctor said as she had beads of sweat running down her face.

"Come on girl your my bestie for a reason, you ain't no bitch c'mon push" I tried to encourage her and it actually worked.

After the last and final push a beautiful baby girl named Malani Amor Banks was born on that cold Sunday morning, January 8th at approximately 7:36am. We got a quick peak at her before the nurse to her away to get her cleaned up. A few moments later the nurse came back with Malani wrapped around in a blush pink baby blanket with a monkey pattern on it. I let her and Bryson have their moment together before taking off the medical gown and shoe covers and walking off to tell the rest of our family the good news.

In the waiting room my dad, Lucas, Dante, Chris, Jaleel, Isaiah and Izria were waiting for someone to deliver the news. Izria was suppose to be in the delivery room with us but she punked out when she realized it was our best friend having her first baby and she had a panic attack. Once they noticed me they all got up anxious to know what was going on.

I just smiled, "Malani Amor Banks, 19.60 inches long and weighed in at 7.2 pounds."

All their faces went from anxious to ecstatic. This was a whole new moment for all of us. Our family was growing everyday and everything was going great for all of us so far. For once in a very long time we were all genuinely happy.

"Can we see her?" They all asked in unison.

"Yeah c'mon." They all followed me down the hall to Ariana's room number.

When we walked through the door Ariana was holding Baby Malani as both her and Bryson cooed over how adorable she was. We all took our turns holding her and talking to her but everyone's favorite moment was when Isaiah held her.

"Malani, even though we aren't actually blood related your still gonna be like a cousin to me. My little cousin obviously but I want you know that you're beautiful and no one can take that away from you. And if they try better believe I'm gonna be kicking somebody's butt."

"I promise to always protect you, defend you, be your best friend, and always love you. No if's and's or but's 'bout that."

After hearing those words come from Isaiah I knew he was growing up and becoming a real man. I knew I did something right, it wasn't easy but I know I did right by him.

|Ariana West| 🕉

Looking into my baby girls eyes I knew I had an obligation to make sure this beautiful creation God has blessed me with was loved and well taken care of. Malani is definitely my biggest blessing. Never would I have ever thought that giving birth to this beautiful baby girl was going to bring me so much pain and joy all at once.

She had a head full of jet black curly hair and big brown eyes that she definitely got from her dad. On the other hand she had long lashes which she must've gotten from me. Malani has the cutest set of dimples ever which she also got from her dad. She was definitely her fathers twin.

She stuck her tongue out at me and she looked just like him. We both laughed at how silly she was. This little girl is definitely going to be just like her daddy. I didn't mind that though because Bryson isn't so bad.

"Baby, you and Malani are my biggest blessings. I love you both so damn much I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost the two of you." Bryson spoke softly as we watched over Malani peacefully.

"We love you too baby." I said as we kissed softly. This man was my happiness and this family is the best gift I have ever received.


Short kinda boring chapter I know but I'm feeling better and hopefully I'll be done with this book soon and I'll be able to start on a few others.

Let me know y'all still reading by commenting and voting. The more you guys do, the faster I update. 💖

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