D.T.T.K |2|

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|Heart breaking Memories|

|Kehlani Carter| Lani 🌙

Last time I saw Chris was when I first found out he was in the game. It was 2 weeks before our high school graduation. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Ariana and Izria were so proud of me, so were the guys. I was graduating with a 4.4 GPA and I had so many medals and all sorts of awards around my neck. I wasn't that involved in high school simply because I had to work and take care of Isaiah but I always had some of the best grades. My friends always helped me;  Ari, Iz, Bryson, Chris   and Lucas. But Isaiah was always closest to Chris just because they shared the same interests and Chris always kept a smile on his face.

Chris was my best friend until everything came out to light. I started hearing rumors, girls were trying to fuck him left and right more than the usual, and then I saw it with my own eyes.

Isaiah refused to sleep until I took him to Chris so he could play a little round of basketball with him. So I decided to take him. When I got to his house I saw him and the guys, putting suspicious looking bags in the back of an SUV, then I saw him come out the front door with a gun tucked in his waist. My eyes started to get teary, then his eyes landed on me and his whole demeanor just changed. He rushed to me and tried to grab my hand but I pushed him away.

He told me to come inside so we could talk, for some reason I wanted to hear his bummy excuses. Chris told Isaiah to go play in his arcade room until we were done talking.

It got ugly so fast. Truth is that we were in love. Or at least I was crazy in love with him. I loved him so much and I didn't want to because he had so many girl under his arm, I didn't want a player, I still don't want a player. I remember seeing the hurt in his eyes when I told him I hated him and never wanted to see him again.

The guys weren't to happy either, since I told them all the same thing. After that Isaiah was mad at me for a while but I was doing it for his best interest and for mine too. I refuse to be like my mom, she was an amazing woman just caught up with the wrong man.

Chris broke my heart even though I've never said that out loud before it was true. We were never together, it was never an official thing but at one short moment it did. We were always there for each other, always had each others backs, we were never apart, we were inseparable. I miss him sometimes but he's toxic.

It was never suppose to even go down this way. Chris was going to go to college. Full ride scholarship, playing basketball. If he went hard enough maybe even go to the NBA. Point is I believed in him more than anyone. But that has been done and over with.

It's been 5 years and since I saw him on my birthday he wad the only one I could seem to think about. I can't still be in love with him. I've been done with him for 5 years, I hated him. I refuse to let myself get my heartbroken again.


Sorry it took me so long to update just kept overthinking about this chapter but I wrote it anyways . Much love for my babies.

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