Dear Readers:

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Dear Opposite Mates' readers,

Lately, I haven't been myself, I'm feeling so lost and I don't know what's the point of living. I know some of you can relate to this and know what it feels like.

So, I decided to stop the things I'm feeling and thinking of, I decided that enough is enough and I decided that this time, I'll fight. I want to fight this negativity, that is consuming my life and limiting my thinking.

I'm at a point where I hate myself, I wouldn't even look at myself in the mirror, because I'll hate myself more, and that poor mirror will ne shattered to pieces.

So, I have decided to revive the positivity that used to be in my life... and revive myself. I want to focus on myself and live a healthy life.

By doing that, I've decided to not use any social media or my phone, and even I'm gonna stop listening to music, because lately, music has been an enemy to me, it has been reopening wounds of the past.

I'm going to delete Wattpad app from my phone, till July 6th, by then I hope that I regained myself. I won't be on any kind of social media and I won't be listening to music, until, as I said before, July 6th.

By July 6th, I hope that I'll be able to connect to you again and to upload Epilouge II :)

I promise that I'll be back, and I'll upload Epilouge II, and hopefully start uploading the new story.

I hope you understand. Please, pray for me.

Peace. \/

All the love,
Aya J ♥

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