"Hey, Soph," The familiar voice of Will said through the phone.

"Oh. Will. Hey, what's up?"

"Not much, just got out of practice," He informed, and I heard his car door shut like he was getting ready to drive. "I was actually calling about our plans for tonight."

I felt my stomach tense up in to knots, and I got this horrible feeling that he was going to cancel on me. I swallowed to steady myself before answering. "What about it?"

"Well would you mind if we changed it up a bit?"

The knots intensified, "Do you have other plans?"

"What? No. I was just wondering if you'd be okay with just hanging out at your apartment instead of going out to do something," Will assured on the other line.

"Oh okay, yeah that's fine with me," I tried to play it off even though I felt like letting out an enormous 'phew.' The feeling of awful anticipation can be brutal, and when that burden was released, it was a relief.

"Great," Will said, and by the tone of his voice I could tell he was about to say something I wouldn't like. "Aw, Sophie, were you worried I was going to stand you up?"

My face was getting warm, but since he couldn't tell, I scoffed, but made an unconvincingly short argument. "No."

"You so were! You know, that hurts, Soph," Will said, and I could practically feel his smirk through the phone.

"Yeah whatever Will, I'm sure," I said with a roll of my eyes.

He laughed a little, and my own smile started to creep onto my face at the sound. "Alright, I'll be at your place around 6:30. That work?"

I nodded, but when I realized he couldn't tell, I replied "Yeah, that works great."

"I'll bring the food. See you then," Will said as we disconnected the call. I set my phone back on the table with a small smile on my face as I thought about seeing Will tonight.

Why am I even so happy about this?

"Who was that?" Allison asked, nosy as ever.

I jumped a little, mainly because I forgot I was in the room with all them. Also, her squeaky voice just has that affect. I shrugged, "No one."

"Well you're smiling like an idiot, so it must have been a hot guy," One of the other girls interns noted. Who the hell was this chick, even? I haven't paid her any attention before, meaning she must not be completely incompetent at doing her work. Now, though, she was annoying me with her interpretation of me.

"Now she's blushing!" Collin said. Damn that blushing! So inconvenient.

"It was no one!" I exclaimed as I slammed both my hands on the counter.

"Oh Sophia, you're so obvious," Allison commented with a snarky grin.

I had no response but to stick my tongue out at them all. Naturally, they made fun of me and called me a hypocrite for acting immature. I had no response, because I saw their point, but they did egg me on to react as such.

But who cares! I'm hanging out with Will tonight. That has me in a great mood. So I tuned them out and thought about all the possibilities of tonight.


"You know it's fine if you stay for a while," I told Elise for the umpteenth time. Yet, for whatever reason, she still thought she had to leave for Will to come over.

"I already told you, I'm leaving. Chris wants to meet and have dinner or whatever," She rolled her eyes at the situation while she pulled on her sweater. "Besides, it's only ten after and I'm meeting Chris at 6:30, so I have to go." I sighed in resignation. "Plus, would you really want me here if you and Will decided to kindle your old relationship and get all hot and heavy?"

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