"It is so nice how they thought to use real flowers to decorate instead of fake ones." Iris's sweet voice drifted my gaze back to her as she admired the many flowers that outlined the building.

"Welcome to Sandy's Tiki Hut, can I start you off with some drinks?" One of the server ladies pranced over to us. She was dressed in a coconut bra and grass skirt. The outfit was finished off with a flowered headband and neon flip-flops. Wow, they really do mean business here.

"Um, can I have a strawberry smoothie?" I said. Iris looked at the menu. "I think I'll have the pineapple smoothie." The lady scribbled it down and skipped off again. "Looks like you won't have to wait long considering no one is here." She called from the other side of the room.

And sure enough, she placed out drinks in front of us less than a minute later. "No one even comes here anymore since they put up that night club around the block. I don't even know why I still bother running this place."

We thanked her for the drinks. "I don't know why they wouldn't come here, this are delicious plus the real flowers you put up are absolutely gorgeous!" Iris gushed after taking a sip of her smoothie.

That instantly changed the ladies expression. "Oh thank you, thank you! You are the first to appreciate the flowers here! I just wish more people would come by. My name is Sandy by the way, I own this place."

Iris grinned and shook Sandy's hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Iris." I shook her hand too and introduced myself. "Is there anyway we can help?" I asked. Sandy shook her head. "I am 2,000 dollars in debt. It needs to be payed off by the end of the month or else no more restaurant."

"I have an idea!" Iris exclaimed. "We can have a benefit concert here to raise enough money." I brightened at her idea. "I can perform too. If I tell my fans to come they'll be sure to show up!" Sandy beamed at my offer. "I can ask my new cast mates to come too! We can have a meet-and-greet!"

The evening continued with us making plans to help Sandy out. She ate dinner with us as we discussed a time and date. When everything was settled, I paid for the dinner and we hugged Sandy goodbye.

"Thanks for paying, Austin." Iris said as we started our journey back to the our condos. "Anytime." I replied. She smiled and looked out in front of her. We continued walking in a comfortable silence until I couldn't take it anymore.

We needed to talk things through. I kissed her and she ran away. I planned on telling her my feelings tonight. I seriously cannot deny my love for her any longer. It is literally tearing me apart. Tonight will be the night when I ask her to be my girlfriend. It may be soon, but I can't deny that I have fallen for her.


"Iris? I need to tell you something." I stopped walking and looked at her. "Austin, you can tell me anything." She looked up at me with clear concern written across her face. I suddenly noticed that it was now dark out. The moon was the only light that shone. How I didn't realize this sooner is a mystery to me.

When she noticed me being quiet, her expression softened and she gently held my hand. "Let's go sit," She said softly. She pulled me over to a bench and we sat. I took a deep breath and gathered up all the strength I could muster.

"Iris, do you remember how I kissed you?" I said my voice shaking with nerves. She squeezed my hand in reassurance. "Yes. That is why I asked if we could talk things out tonight." She spoke quietly. I turned my body to hers and shut my eyes.

"It was because I have feelings for you." I opened my eyes and saw her seemingly unsurprised face.

"I mean, well, yeah. I kinda figured that after you kissed me. I was just taken off guard when you kissed me is all. It also didn't help that I didn't know how to react, so I ran off in panic. The funny thing is, is that I have feelings for you too, Austin." The moonlight lit up her face as she stared deep into my eyes. Her full pink lips were desperately inviting me to kiss them.

Emotions - (An Original Austin Mahone Love Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu