Chapter 35: Bones Are Beautiful?

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A/N-This is amazing. I can't believe this story is past 7.2K reads. Thank you to anyone reading. But to all you ghost readers, comment! I won't bite honestly. Haha! Here's Chapter 35. :)

Niall's Pov

The rest of the day I watched television with Louis and Megan. Louis was snuggled up on me, while Megan was close by. I couldn't believe I was gaining weight like this. It was even worse now that others could see I was. "Hey Niall, it's getting pretty late. I think I'm gonna head out back to my room." My mind was in a daze. "Niall, can you hear me?" Snapping out of my mind boggling daze, I forgot to reply back to what Megan said. "Sorry bout that Megan. See you tomorrow." Her facial expression was very peculiar towards me, but I didn't pay it any mind. As I watched her leave my room, I glanced down to see Louis was deep in his sleep. I slid him off my chest and snook out the room. It was getting pretty late. I would say it was about eleven at night. There really wasn't any movement among students on campus, so I went outside to sit on the small row of stairs that led to Dorm D. I couldn't believe this was happening again. The self esteem that was building up so high was going back to it's all time low again. My whole life I've been comparing myself to other guys. Some people thought that was weird. Even telling me girls only compared themselves to other girls. That was a complete utter joke. Guys have as much insecurities as girls do. I didn't know what started my insecurities. They just sort of appeared out of nowhere. I think it started once I got into high school. I saw all the other guys that were skinny, good looking, and just plain gorgeous. I wanted that. I wanted to have that self confidence about myself. So if it meant skipping a few meals now and then, so be it. I weighed a hefty amount. Once I started losing weight, my mum knew something was up. Before I knew it, ten pounds lost turned into thirty. Then forty, even eighty-five pounds. When I stood in front of the mirror feeling my ribs, I felt beautiful. Having the sense of feeling someone would love me. Though I still thought I needed to lose weight. The hunger pains had gotten unbearable, so I started eating again. One pound gained was enough for me to feel disgusted with myself. The only thing I could do was throw it up forcefully. It hurt, it hurt deeply having to do all these things in order to feel perfect. Yet it didn't. I still felt incomplete. Wanting to lose more and more weight every time I had seen someone gorgeous. To me, bones were beautiful. This wasn't the me I wanted. "God, it sucks to be me." I said out loud. "Are you okay Nialler?" Turning around, I saw it was Louis. "Um yeah Lou. I just wanted some time to myself. That's all." He sat down beside me. "I can talk to you, if you want?" "No Louis, I just want to be alone. I'll just see you tomorrow." I stood up and left to go to my own room. He wouldn't understand how I felt anyway.

Louis Pov

"No Louis, I just want to be alone. I'll just see you tomorrow." Niall told me. He seemed aggravated. I hope I didn't bother him too much. Niall was beginning to be distant every since we got into his room. This was strange for him. I had to find out what was going on with him.

A/N-A little shorty chapter for you all. Hope you liked it. If you like this story, please check out my Larry fanfic Hiding My True Self. It's really good. Thanks for reading this story though. It means a lot! Stay tuned for more! :)

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