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I finally back after so gosh darn long I am back I am  currently in the process of writing the next part I will upload it tomorrow or Saturday and that is a promise. also thank you so much for not giving up on me and waiting like 4 months for me to get my crap together. I apologise for those who have waited far to long and also thanks for like 9000 reads that's truly amazing  I am glad you enjoy this so much. also if you want to check out some other mcd stuff I would suggest you read my mcd character x reader. (I am currently working on it as well but garence comes first). anyway I know your probably finding these notes annoying so im going to leave it here with a thank you and wait for the next part of garence to be uploaded tomorrow or Saturday, thank you so much.

                                                                                     - Aphmaumuffin

Aphmau fanfiction- GarenceWhere stories live. Discover now