Chapter 26 - "I'll be worried for your process of perception."

Start from the beginning

What I had realized in the past few months is that hanging out with Luca can make you unable to hate him, while you hate him. I know, its weird, but its also true. He is cool to be around but he's also very annoying. 

The next day, I was at The Andrews' mansion once again, having being done with Stacey's gym and helping Krista prepare the grand dinner for Luca's future wife. Sorry, I meant Madison and her family. Luca was sitting on the counter beside the cutting boards I was using to slice mushrooms on.

"Should I run away?" He suggested casually, stealing a slice of cucumber from Krista's board and munching on it. 

"Sure, you can try." I answered with a shrug, sliding the mushrooms aside to make more space.

"Maybe you can run away with me?" Before I could respond, there was a sudden choking sound from Krista's side, followed by coughing.

"What on earth...." I rushed to her, rubbing her back while Luca hurriedly fetched a glass of water for her. She waved her hand, denying the glass of water. 

"What on earth?" I repeated when her breathing became even once more. A wide, sheepish smile spread on her face that reached her ears and made her eyes crinkle.

"Sorry, I had a fangirl attack when he mentioned running away with you." She said with a freakish grin and turned to Luca. "Its just that I really ship you two!"

I smacked my forehead as Luca burst into laughter. Ignoring the fact that his laughter sounded so pure and light at the moment, I resumed my work. "Your ship has no chance of sailing, buddy."

"Why not?" Luca asked, his laughter fading from his voice.

I looked at him with both my eyebrows raised, half surprised, half curious. "Um, you might not have noticed but you're kind of a player, maybe, I don't know. Also, you' friend."

Luca and Krista stared at me, the former with an expression of intense scrutiny while the latter had on an expression of disbelief.

"You're right." Luca said with a little laugh, the kind that shakes his shoulders slightly. "I should go and get ready. See ya, friend." With that, he left the kitchen.

I stared at him then turned to Krista. "Why do I have the feeling I said something wrong?"

"Oh look, you're not completely oblivious!" She replied exasperatedly, throwing her hands in the air.


"Cindy!" She huffed. "I'm not forcing you to believe anything, but I really want you to understand some things. If you tell me you really don't realize a few particularly important things and that you don't have a crush on him, I'll be really worried for your process of perception."

I rolled my eyes. "Listen, if you mean that Luca is interested in me as more than a friend, then you're imagining things because like I said, he's a player, Krista! I'm pretty sure he treats every girl friend of his like this, like she's particularly special to hi, or something!" 

She rolled her eyes in return, crossing her arms defiantly. "And what about the second half of what I said?"

I sighed heavily and turned back around, running a hand through my hair. "I don't know. It doesn't matter."

I heard a sigh from Krista's side, softer this time, then I felt her head on my shoulder. "You'll figure it out soon. You have an awesome friend with you."

"Who?" I joked and we laughed as she pushed my arm. Somehow, I still wasn't feeling all that happy inside.


"Everything is almost done, we'll set the table in a couple of minutes." Krista informed me, final checking all the food and I nodded in response, pouring myself a glass of water.

"Thanks. And that ahead is the kitchen. Can't wait for dinner." Luca's voice drifted into the kitchen through the entrance. It sounded like he was a few steps away from the kitchen. His comment was followed by a female's giggling.

"Kitchen!" Luca said, entering the room. "That is Krista." He pointed at her. "Her cooking is excellent! And that's-" I looked at Luca and when I looked at his guest beside him, I choked on the water I was drinking and started coughing. Luca instantly stepped forward to my aid but Krista got to me first and started thumping my back.

Luca and Madison started at me with wide eyes. Madison spoke first.

"Cindy?! What....on earth....are you doing here?"


A.N: Small world, eh?

Exams are finished but my mind was utterly consumed with writer's block. The weird kind, the kind you just can't rid yourself of! BUUUT I managed to overcome it! Yay me? So glad I completed it.

Can't express enough, but a serious, sincere, heartfelt thankyou to all readers, voters, followers! :)

Dedicated to @akalahs :)

Find me on Facebook: RigelU - Wattpad , Instagram: rigel97u , Twitter: Rigel97U , Goodreads: Urooba.R 

Peace! <3


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