Chapter 7 - "Damn, Cindy, I didn't know you'd go this far to get me."

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A.N: I'm not completely back but here's chapter 7 anyway! My sister kept nagging me to write another chapter, she won't let me live and prepare for my exam in peace *sigh* aaand I personally wanted to write too.

P.S: Previous chapters have been edited, you might wanna check out Chapter 6.

P.P.S: Ignore any mistakes please, I'm writing this at 3 in the morning on a school night :p 

P.P.P.S (really?) : Dedicated to StormcloudsWeather ! <3


Cindy's P.O.V:-

I go to the kitchen to prepare orange juice for "young royal mistress". After doing so, I take it back to Stacey's room.

Upon entering, I see a cute scene in front of me. Light slow music is playing in the background and in the middle of the room, Stacey is twirling with a wand in her hand, in the middle of her audience comprising of stuffed toys. A smile creeps onto my face, pushing the corners of my lips upwards. When she faces me, she stops.

"Here's your juice, little princess." I say, ignoring her previous attitude and walking up to her with a smile, outstretching my hand with the glass of juice.

"No silly, I'm not a princess. I'm a fairy." She says, waving her wand at me.

I giggle. "Sorry, my bad."

She stands on her tiptoes, flicks her wand and touches my face with its tip. I frown at her with confusion.

"Now you can't speak, because I've cast a spell on you." She says.

My mouth forms an o and I let out a silent laugh. Then I fake confusion, touch my mouth and pretend to be confused as to why there is no voice coming out of my mouth. I mouth some words, but let out no voice. Stacey giggles, pleased with her magic. I point to the wand, then point to my mouth and clasp my hands together, silently pleading her to give me my voice back.

She giggles continously. "Okay okay, I will give you your voice back because I am a good fairy."

She flicks her wand and touches my face again. I sang a random song, testing my voice. "Yes! My voice is back! Thankyou, kind fairy." I say to her, a grateful look on my face.

She grins and takes her juice, climbing on her bed. I smile and look at the paper in my hand, which the brunette girl from the kitchen handed to me on the way to Stacey's room. It is a list of the main work I'll have to do. Okay, an hour of gym for Stacey at 4:30. Okay. Clean the Andrews' son's room after that. Okay. Then laundry. Okay. Other than these chores, I will have to do other little chores, I'll just have to help out the other workers if I'm free. I look at my watch, it reads 4:23. 

"Okay Stacey, you have gym in 5 minutes." I tell her as she hands me her empty glass. 

She groans. "Ugh, gym. I don't like gym." She whines. "I don't need gym. See! I am strong and I even have big muscles like my brother!" She says proudly, jumping off the bed. She lifts her arm and bends her lower arm upward, to show me her muscles.

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