"Daniel?" Emma asked unsurely.

Maybe if I don't say anything she'll go away, I'm not ready for whatever she wanted.

I'm not ready to deal with my problems, I'd rather avoid them as long as possible.

Devon elbowed me and raised his brow at me as if to say 'say something, you little shit'

"Ugh...yeah?" I coughed out awkwardly.

"Can we talk?" She asked softly, her face turned away from me.

I would have said no, but I couldn't handle the uncomfortable pained look on Emma's face.

I didn't want her to feel that way around me.

"Sure," I said standing up.

"Don't screw this up any further," Rebecca said as she bumped her shoulder into mine and took my seat between Michael and Devon.

I took Emma's elbow and lead her out the room.

"So, what's up?" I asked innocently as I ran my fingers through my short curly blonde hair.

"If you explain why you've been ignoring me and apologize in the next minute I'll forgive you and let it go," Emma said simply.

I tried to scan her face to see if she was serious but it was impossible to tell with her glasses covering half her face.

"I'm sorry," I told her, she didn't say anything as she waited for me to go on.

"I panicked," I said with a shrug even though I knew she couldn't see it.

"You panicked?" She questioned. "Yeah, because of the kiss," I said whispering the last words.

Her eyebrows creased.

"You kissed me, Daniel." She said slowly as if she were talking to a small dumb child.

Talking to me was basically the same as talking to a dumb kid most of the time anyway.

"I know, I just didn't mean to. Wait, I did mean do. I just didn't want to, no I did want to so fucking bad it's just... This isn't coming out right." I rambled as I avoided looking at her.

She frowned.

"So, you didn't but you did mean to kiss me and you did but you didn't want to kiss me?" She asked slowly as she began touching her long brown hair.

Her normally straightish wavy hair was in soft curls today. It looked pretty.

She looked pretty, then again she always did.

I sighed, she was distracting me from getting my thoughts together without even trying to.

"You're not making sense and your time is running out." She said simply.

"I like you, okay? In more than just a friend type of way and it's screwing with my head." I told her while looking down at my feet.

At this moment I'd never been more grateful that She was blind and couldn't see how red my face was.

"You do?" She asked I peeked at her face to see her smiling and blushing slightly.

I nodded but then remembered that she couldn't see me and said: "yeah, I do."

I was completely prepared for her to laugh at me or tell me she didn't feel the same way, but she didn't.

"I like you, in more than just a friend type of way too." She said with a slightly teasing smile.

"You do?" I asked unable to keep my shock from my voice. She smiled again before she began biting her lower lip. "Yeah, I do." She said.

"Damn," I said smiling softly as I began running my fingers through my hair more roughly.

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