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"Look at what they've done to you," a voice from behind me said. I turn around and am greeted by a woman tall, slim and light skinned. "What you don't recognise me?"

"Who are you?" I ask her as i stand up. The room spins for a little bit and then I regain my balance.

She shakes her head. I panic as she lifts her shirt and exposes a burn wound to me.

"Anike?" I run into her arms and hug her with all my strength. She hugs me back just as fierce.

"Look at you," she laughs just like I remember. "So much taller than I remember."

She takes my hand and we walk downstairs together. My parents, Declan and her husband are standing in the foyer. Anike's husband introduces himself to me as Robert.

"Anike has told me much about you," he smiles and kisses my hand.

"I've heard nothing about you," I say snarkily. Declan looked at me and smirked. Declan walks over to me and wraps his arm around me just as Robert wraps his arms around Anike.
There's a tense silence between us until my mother speaks, "dinner is ready."

We all follow her into the dining room and take our seats. There's plenty of food and I greedily take one of everything.

"So when are you due Anike?" My father asks causing me to choke.

"You're pregnant?" I ask

"Well we didn't want to say anything yet," Anike says through gritted teeth. "But yes. It's early though so."

Robert rubs her shoulder lovingly but she pushes it off her and looks at him with an expression full of hate.

After the dinner I go sit outside with Declan. We're in the middle of a random conversation when Anike comes out.

"May I talk to my sister?" She asks. Declan nods, gives me a small kiss on my forehead and leaves us.

"Yes Anike?" I don't look at her.

She is obviously unaffected by my tone. "I just wanted to give you some advice."

"What advice?"

"You love Declan," she says.

"I don't know maybe." I shrug

"Of course you're in love with him. You always wanted to marry a handsome man." She laughs. "Just be careful OK?"

"Declan and I we've had problems before but-"

She cuts me off, "no not with him. With other people."


"Declan is a Mafia king and he's got ennemies ."

"Is Robert one of them?"

She pauses and then nods, "they're not rivals per say. Robert said he'll work it out with Declan though for us."

"Can I ask you something?" I ask after silence.

She nods. I continue, "why were you mad at Robert?"

She laughs a bit then shakes her head, "it was him who told mom I was pregnant but we wanted to wait in case you know."

"I understand," I say. "But you're not even showing."

"I know." She sighs and rubs her belly, "I found out two days ago."

I watch her as she sits back and rubs her belly absentmindedly she's obviously settled down with Robert and I wanted to be happy for her but I couldn't. If the Mafia world was one full of enemies was it really the best time to have a child?

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