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I sat under the willow tree and watched the branches sway from side to side. They looked like arms reaching out for me and I tried to reach out for them but they moved whenever my hand got close enough to them. It made me think of my family and how no matter how much I tried Declan would not let me go see them.

The vines were pushed aside and Portia walked in. If Declan hated her then I still didn't understand why he let her stay here but I wasn't any of my business no matter how much I wanted to ask him.

"You've been ignoring me." Portia sighed. "I assume Declan told you to."

I looked at everything but her. I had not reason to hate her so I did not understand why I needed to stay away from her.

"I wish you would just bend the rules a little Kifo Nzuri."

"Why won't Declan let me talk to you?" The question caught her a bit off guard nontheless she took a seat next to me on the bench, one that Declan had recently put in.

"I abondoned him and his father," this time she didn't look at me. "then his father forced me to come back. I did because he threatened me but I constantly took it out on Declan. It was only because his father wouldn't let me see my family so I tried to run away from them."

The willow vines stopped moving. "Do you think that's why Declan doesn't want me to talk to you? Because he thinks I'll end up like you?"

Portia stood and walked away I followed her into the house. I went to Declan's office and knocked on the door. There was no response but I could hear him talking so I went in. He was on the phone although when he saw me he switched it off.

"Hey what's up?"

I walked to him and sat on his lap. Declan placed his head on my back and I could feel his breath as he inhaled and exhaled. "You know what it is."

"I'm working on it," We were both tired of me asking for the same thing. "Can I have a couple more months?"

"A couple months?!" my voice raised slightly and I continued calmly, "Maybe a month. I can give you a month."

Declan chuckled. "And what will you do if I don't bring your family to you in less than a month?"

I turned around and flicked Declan's forehead. "That I'll do that whenever you try to go to sleep."

"You're a monster." He laughed sarcastically. "I'm hosting an event tomorrow night."

"Do I have to be there?" I hadn't been to one since the one Natalia had trained me for.

"Yeah that ok?" he asked.

"I guess."

"Cheer up it's only a couple hours long." he said it like I should enjoy being in the company of other drug kings and queens and their spouses. "Open that drawer."

I did as instructed and opened the drawer Declan pointed to. In it was a small velvet box. My heart literally froze and Declan had to shake me a little just for me to snap out of it.

The expression on my face was one of pure shock so Declan quickly explained before I had a heartattack. "It's just a promise ring. Not an engagement ring."

"Oh," even though that was less frightening I could feel the sweat under my armpits forming rings. "What are we promising?"

"I don't know what do you want to promise?"

I thought for a moment. "To care about each other forever."

Declan kissed my lips and helped me put the ring on. When he pulled away my heart almost melted at the way he smiled. He looked like a kid on christmas morning.

"Promise?" I held out my pinky and Declan wrapped his around mine.


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