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When the hospital released me just as Declan had promised Sebastian had cooked a huge meal for me. His mother, Portia, was not allowed anywhere near me as Declan had instructed. I didn't even know the woman but judging by the way Declan spoke about her, she wasn't his favorite person and someone I should definetely be careful around.

The next morning I had met her accidentally. Declan was asleep and I had gone down to the kitchen to see if Sebastian had cooked breakfast yet. She was there sitting at my usual spot at the island table almost like she was waiting for me. I tried to avoid her gaze but her eyes burnt the back of my head.

"How much did he buy you for?"

I tensed then continued to go threw the fridge looking for letfovers. Portia sat on the stool and watched me as I moved. Predator and prey it's just a tactic, I reminded myself. She was sizing me up wondering whether I could hold my own or not. When I turned around she was standing in front of the door.

"A hundred thousand." I mumbled but she heard me.

"I guess you're worth it." She said. "A little birdie told me you wanna go home. I can help you with that."

Declan walked into the kitchen at that moment and pulled me out of the kitchen. His grip on my wrist was gentle but his pace was fast. When we got into our bedroom he stood infront of me obviously wanting an explanation. Before I could say anything he spoke, "One rule. Do not talk to her."

"I said. One. Sentence." My voice raised slightly.

"That's one sentence too much." He was louder than I was even if I wanted to argue it was useless. "Just please no matter what she says do not talk to her."

I nodded my head.

Declan took my hands in his and leaned his forehead against mine. "Promise?"

I couldn't resist him like that. It was a side of him he only showed to me and I loved that as much as I wanted to tell myself not to. "I promise."

I stepped on my tippy toes and kissed Declan softly. His arms wrapped around me, at first a bit harsh but then he let go and his hands slightly hovered over my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down closer to me. My hands found their way into his hair and he pulled away taking my breath with him.

"I shouldn't have done that." I groaned.

"Why not?" Declan's voice was cheeky he knew I liked the kiss if I tried to pretend I didn't.

"Because your breath stinks." I joked pushing him away from me playfully. There was a voice in my head yelling for me to stop this but my heart begged for me to pull him to me and kiss him again.

Declan came forward and blew in my face. I laughed and tried to push him away from me again but he pulled me closer to him. I pressed my head against his chest and allowed for him to engulf me and it felt like there was this wall around me stopping anything from hurting me.

Tears rolled down my eyes and I cried softly into Declan's chest. "I'm so sorry I tried to leave. I didn't realize how much you loved me it's just that day when you-"

He patted my head and rocked me from side to side. "Shh don't please. I just really want to forget about that day. Can we just forget about it?"

I pulled away from him so that we could look each other in the eyes. "Yes. Yes we can."

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