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Days passed after what Declan had done to me. I refused to be anywhere near him, he moved rooms and stayed in his office for most of the day. Ever since my birthday I had only seen him once. That one time I had to be held back by Natalia because I had wanted to attack him. I almost succeded when I scratched his face and arm. As I was pulled away I could see the blood running down his arm. I licked the blood off my finger and made a face at him much like he had done to me with that blade.

Now I sat in my room alone rubbing the bruises on my wrists. They hadn't faded yet even though Natalia said they would. I didn't mind though, they were a constant reminder of why I needed to escape. Declan walked into the room and I curled myself into a little ball. He looked at me then went into the closet and took out some of his clothes and placed them on the bed.

"I'm going on a trip for a few days," He took a suitcase and packed the clothes.

"I hope you die," I said under my breath.

"Kifo Nzuri please-"

"No Declan stop," I looked him in the eye. "How can you expect me to forgive you after what you did to me? We talked the night before and I told you I didn't want you to do that to me but then you went ahead and did it. Just because you paid for me doesn't mean you have the right to take those kinds of things away from me. It's my body, my virginity and you took that away from me. I can't even look at myself without wanting to throw up Declan. Do you know how that feels? You walk away satisfied and I end up hating myself."

"I know you'll never forgive me Kifo Nzuri," He stepped forward and I stepped back. "I don't know how to explain this but I had no intentions of raping you that day or any other day. I walked in and I just went crazy when I saw you. I don't even remember what I had come in to talk to you about. I love you so much."

"That doesn't justify your actions." I tried not to break down. Declan was in tears and at my feet.

"I beg of you Kifo Nzuri," He sobbed. "please. I love you."

"You know what the sad thing is," I said looking at him. "I'll still be here when you get back." I pushed Declan away from me and he tumbled onto the floor. It may have been a heartless action but we both knew he deserved it. There was no way I could make him feel the pain I was feeling but I could at least try.

When Declan left I watched him from the balcony window. When the car drove out I knew I had never been so happy in my life. He was gone for three days and I could feel less pressured now that he wasn't around. Natalia was assigned to look after me but so far there was no sign of her. Tonight I would leave I wasn't sure how but I would do it.

At one in the morning I walked out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen. No one was there and if anyone found me I could say I came down for something to eat. Sitting at the island I thought of all my exits and how I could get through the gate. One of those gaurds had to be armed and maybe if I was careul I could get his gun. If I didn't manage to take them out atleast I could kill myself. As I walked out into the foyer I was suprised to see Natalia, Rosalinda, Mia and William standing there.

"What are you doing up so late?" I asked them

"We could ask you the same thing Kifzi." It was dark but I could feel Natalia smirking at me.

"I wanted a glass of water." I answered

"Yeah we wouldn't want you to have a dry throat while you escaped."

"Who says I was escaping?" I scoffed and turned around. When I got back to my room I hit my fists against the wall. Great now how was I supposed to get out. When the door opened I acted calmly as Natalia walked in and sat herself on the edge of my bed.

"Now what?" I snapped at her. She faked hurt and rolled her eyes.

"I know you want to leave." She said. "We all do."

"Really you don't want to stay with this rich bastard?" I asked sarcastically.

There was a pause and she said, "I'm sorry he raped you."

"What do you want?" I asked changing the subject. I didn't want to talk about it especially not with Natalia she was acting different I wasn't used to this side of her and I wasn't sure I could trust her now.

"We're escaping tomorrow," She said plainly. "You can come with us or you can stay here. It's your choice really."

She got up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. I didn't trust her now that I knew she had two sides to her. Who knows how long she's been planning things behind Declan's back. Then again I was acting two faced, I pretended to love Declan so that I could get him to take me back to see my family. No there was a difference. I was pretending so that I could survive and Natalia was doing it...so that she could survive. Maybe our motives weren't that different. I needed to escape and this might be my only chance. She could help me leave and then I could return to my family. I walked to the door and opened it to find Natalia standing there waiting for me.

"I'm in."

[Damn well then. Is it weird I kinda cried when I wrote Declan and Kifo's dialogue?]

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