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[Hey so I'm back yay. Hope you enjoy the next few chapters.]

"He's coming for her."

"What do we do?"

Natalia and William's voices floated around me as they spoke in hushed tones. I have not slept properly in four days and my wounds may be infected. Even though I hate Declan the thought of him coming to rescue me was wonderful. I would take him over these people even if he did rape me.

Mia cleaned my wounds as the Natalia watched. Her face was twisted like she was eating something sour. She was disgusted by me but I don't know whether it's the fact that my scars looked horrible or something else entirely. I didn't blame her though I felt extremely disgusted by myself as well.

"What would you like me to do when he comes here?" Natalia asked. "Do you want me to give you back to him? So that he can hurt you."

"You hurt me too." I mumbled.

"Yes," she sighed happily. "But I hurt you physically so the pain goes away. He hurt you emotionally, that kind of pain lasts forever."

I closed my eyes and looked down at my feet. I didn't want Declan nor did I want Natalia. I wanted to go home to be free of all of this.

When Mia was done cleaning my wounds I dressed into a black dress Natalia gave me then I was taken to another room which was locked. I had never been out of the other room. The corridor was plain and lit with extremely bright flouroscent lights that made my eyes hurt. There was no way I would be able to tell where I was going when I couldn't even tell where I had come from.

There was a sound of loud gun shots and loud thuds like people were running. Declan had come for me and Natalia was unprepared. She grabbed my arm and dragged me further into the room. A gun was pressed to my side and she stood like she was confident but the sweat dripping down her forehead showed that she was frightened.

The door fell with a loud bang and two men walked into the room. Declan walked in behind them his usual predator gaze as he looked at me. I smiled sarcastically at him.

"So you finally came." Natalia smirked and pressed the gun closer to my side.

"Natalia why would you do this?"

Her face looked shocked, "you did this to me. You're the reason I'm like this. It's your fault Declan."

"No you did this to yourself." Declan's voice was deeper than I remembered it sounded more rough.

Natalia pushed me toward Declan and I scurried into his arms like a lost child. He embraced me and the two men stood infront of us. Natalia aimed the gun and shot the two men before they could react. It was just me and Declan. He pulled out a gun and they stood watching each other waiting for one to make the first move. I watched helplessly.

"I knew you'd come for her." Natalia licked her lips. "You're weak like just like your father."

"I am nothing like that disgrace of a man." His voice scared me but rather than backing away from him I moved closer to his body.

Natalia's hands shook helplessly but she stood her ground. "You deserve to die."

I don't know what came over me at that moment. My body reacted before my mind could even understand what was going on and before I knew it I had taken the gun from Declan and was shooting at Natalia. Bullet after bullet until the gun stopped firing. Blood flowed slowly onto her dress and out of her mouth.

"Kifo Nzuri!" Declan took the gun from me and held me close to him. I couldn't say anything to him. Even though he was right next to me his voice sounded miles away. My body reacted unnaturally to the situation and I found myself falling in and out of consciousness. When I spoke it was in Swahilli and most of it didn't even make sense.

Never in my life did I think I would kill someone. I never thought I would find myself in this situation either.

I laid in the hospital bed screaming in agonizing pain. The doctors and nurses tried to calm me down but I refused. My whole body ached and my brusies were hurting as they tried to bandage me. Declan was pleading for me to stop screaming but I couldn't it hurt too much.

"Can't you give her something?" He yelled at the doctor.

"We could," The doctor yelled back at him. "But she has too many other sedatives in her system if we give her something then her organ systems could shut down."

Declan stopped yelling at the doctor and continued to speak to me as if I was a child. When it seemed to not work he spoke in Russian. I had no idea what he was saying, for all I know he could have been insulting me but the way his voice sounded when he spoke was angelic. I soon realized he was telling me to relax and other stuff I couldn't quite understand. I watched his lips move as he said each word it was so distracting the nurses even managed to get an IV in my vein.

The pain was still there but hearing Declan speak Russian was just so relaxing.

"I'm sorry," He said in english.

"Speak in Russian." I whispered. He smiled for the first time since we had been reunited.

"Try and sleep." He ignored my request and continued to speak in english. "I love you."

"If you love me then why won't you let me go home?" I asked

"I won't let you go home because I love you." Declan replied. "If you want to see your family I'll try and arrange something."

I smiled and nodded my head. Declan leaned down and kissed me but I didn't kiss back. I didn't love him and I wasn't even going to pretend that I did so I pretended to sleep so that I wouldn't see the look of disappointment on his face. He kissed me again but I was already starting to fall asleep.

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