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The room I woke up in was not like the one last time. This one was a light beige colour with large windows. The bed I was on felt like a giant soft pillow. Maybe I was dead and this is what heaven looked like. But then I saw the man in the corner of the room sitting and watching me maybe even the entire time I was sleeping he was there. His hair was dark and his skin was a light caramel colour; tattoos covered his skin, when he smiled at me his teeth showed.

"Hodi." He greeted. I kept quiet and tried not to make eye contact with him. He rose from the chair and took my face in his hands forcing me to look at him.

"I speak English." I replied.

"Acting like that isn't going to get you very far around here." He smirked, "I get very bored, very easily Kifo Nzuri." A pause "Do you know what your name means?"

"Beautiful death." I said. His smirk grew into a smile and he lowered himself on top of me. His eyes were a light grey colour but behind them was no soul. I was sure that I now knew what the devil looks like.

"While you are here I expect you to behave yourself. You are to do as I ask of you without so much as a complaint."

"And what exactly is that?" He leaned forward and pushed me onto the bed. I tried fighting against him but he held me firmly down. His breath smelt of mint and smoke with a faint smell of blood. I wanted him to let me go but I knew there was no way that was happening, as far as we were both concerned I belonged to him now.

"Relax darling." He laughed letting go of me and walking over chair he was in before. "My name's Declan Westford. You will call me sir."

I took a deep breath and nodded my head. This man can hurt you Kifo Nzuri, I reminded myself. I felt small and weak while he looked over my body. I was extremely thin from lack of a balanced diet but what more could I have done with such a horrible life back home. I thought of my sister, what if father has sold them too. I pray they have a better buyer than I do.

Declan stood and walked towards the door, "A woman named Natalia will come and fetch you."

"Yes...sir." My teeth were gritted so hard against each other I could have probably broken a tooth. Declan gave me a little smile and walked out the door leaving his scent behind. Now that he was gone I felt a bit more comfortable to move around.
The door had a walk-in closet with white dresses upon white dresses lined up. A large vanity sat next to one of the windows with a large variety of make up on it. There was a door that lead to the bathroom. Looking out the windows I saw a large wall surrounding the house and a large tree in the middle of the garden. A man with grey hair in a pair of beige overalls looked up at me. I waved but he continued on with his work. Maybe he had not seen me.

"Hello you must be Kifo Nzuri," I turned to the door and nodded at the woman. "My name is Natalia Hoffman." Natalia was stunning. Her blood red hair was tied into a sleek bun and her black tight fitting dress showed off her perfect hour glass figure. She stood perfectly straight and maintained eye contact the entire time she had talked to me. Looking at her I only felt more insecure about the way I looked.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. She gave me a look that demanded I follow her and turned on her heels walking out the door. I followed her like a lap dog and walked by her side. Maybe she knew how wrong this was and would help me escape.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you were we were going," Natalia laughed and not a single wrinkle appeared on her face. This woman was perfect but I did not want to be like her. "I'm sure you're used to not being told where you're going to be taken by now aren't you?"
She laughed like it was a joke to her. Of course it was a joke this was some kind of game to her and to him. To all of them this was just a game and I was just some little toy they could sell off however they wanted. How could they do this to me. I hadn't even realized I was crying until Natalia stopped me and wiped my tears away.

"You're too pretty to be crying." she cooed.

"I want to leave." I cried as she took me into her arms. A sigh escaped her lips as she pushed me away gently and looked me in the eyes.

"Oh my love. You're never leaving." Her voice was barely above a whisper but I heard her.


Natalia's job was being my 'image consultant'. I wasn't sure what this meant until she had explained it to me.

"So basically Declan is going to show you off to lots of people," Natalia said as we walked into the kitchen. "That means you have to be perfect for him to show off to everyone."

"Show off?"

"Yes like a prize." Natalia laughed again and I tried not to cry. "He is very important. Of course everyone already respects him but he's got to let everyone know he's the best. So he has to have the best house, cars, business and wife."

A man walked to the table with a tray of food and I sat down at the chair Natalia had pushed me into. There was food I knew and food I didn't. A lot of it I'd only ever heard of though. I've never tasted any of it. I ate everything that was given to me until I couldn't eat anymore but even when I was full Natalia still forced me to eat.

As she pushed food towards me she said, "Eat up you need some meat on your bones."

After I had I finished eating a plate with a small pill on it and a glass of water was put in front of me. I looked down at it then to Natalia who was smiling and gesturing for me to take it. I wanted to say no but when I did she frowned and said to get Declan.

"No I will take it," I sighed and threw the pill to the back of my mouth and swallowed it down with the water.

"You may feel a little sick but don't worry." Natalia helped me out of my chair and walked me back to my room. I changed into the pyjamas she gave me and lied down on the bed. After she left I lied there still feeling awake.
As Natalia had said I felt sick. Rushing to the bathroom I leaned over the toilet but nothing would come out. Why did I take the pill?

"The pill makes you nauseous," I heard Declan's voice from the door. "But if you want to stay here and bow down to this porcelain god. Be my guest."

I sat next to the toilet and cried silently as Declan got ready for bed. The light in the main room turned off and Declan sighed saying, "Goodnight Kifo Nzuri."

[Chapter two yay. I'm not really sure if that's how you say hello or beautiful death in Swahili I just used google translate so sorry if it's wrong.]

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