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I had been living with Declan for a week now and my plan was starting to fail. Declan was now distancing himself. I'd only see him twice a day and at night I wasn't even sure if he came to sleep with me, he wasn't there when I went to sleep and he wasn't there when I woke up. Declan was now making it very hard for me to get what I wanted.

I wore a white top with white jeans and a pair of sandals while I walked around the house. So far I knew there were places I wasn't suppossed to go to like Declan's office, the dining room and some other rooms in the house I've never been to. I was banned from reading newspapers, watching TV and listening to the radio, phone calls were not allowed and if I wrote a letter Declan would have to approve of it first in case I sent something he wasn't ok with me mentioning in the letter. I have written five letters to my family and only one of them has been sent. I was however allowed to roam the halls as I pleased.

"You did what?" Natalia's voice sounded from Declan's office

"I may have overstepped my boundaries," Declan sighed and there was a pause. "It's ok though she's almost 18."

"I still don't think you should unless she wants you to." Natalia's voice was firm. "I know how that feels."

"It feels good doesn't it?" Declan chuckled

"You sick bastard." Natalia started to walk out of the room and I hid myself against the wall. She saw me from the corner of her eye but she didn't say anything.

"I paid for her, I'll do what I want with her." Declan mumbled and closed his office door.

I quickly walked to the kitchen and sat down at the little island table. Sebastian gave me a hot chocolate but I didn't want it.

"Got something on your mind?" He asked

"Nah just missing Declan."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Someone's feeling alittle love sick."

I laughed and walked out of the kitchen. Well atleast that part of my plan is working, make sure everyone else thinks that I'm in love with Declan. Now if only I could convince Declan I was in love with him. When I walked into the bedroom Declan was there, but it felt like he didn't want me there.

"Hey there stranger." I greeted.

"Hi." Declan didn't even turn to look at me. Where was my 'Hello my darling'.

"Where have you been?" no I shouldn't have said that ugh, I thought to myself. Declan sat up and looked at me with a confused expression then smiled and opened his arms. Yes yes yes. I walked over to him and he hugged my waist and rested his head on my stomach.

"I'm sorry my love," he hugged me closer as I played with his hair. "I've just been very stressed and angry and I didn't want to be around you when I'm like that."

"I see," I rubbed his back and he sighed. Declan you fool I've got you now.

"It's your birthday in two days," Declan said pulling away. "What would you like?"

I thought for a moment maybe now would be the best time, "I want to go see my family."

"Why? They don't care about you." When Declan said this my face fell and I pushed him away. He quickly pulled me back, "No I mean if they sold you why would they love you?"

"OK maybe not my father but my sisters." I cried.

"I can't give you that," He said. "I can give you something else."

I raised my eyebrows, "And what would that be?"

Declan leaned down to my ear and whispered, "I can make you feel like a woman."

My heart dropped, shattered and burned. I didn't want that. There was no way in hell I wanted that. Declan stood up and left the room leaving me standing there frozen. I knew exactly what he meant. A girl was a girl until her 18th birthday then she would become a woman. The only way a woman could be made to feel like a woman would be-

"Knock knock," Natalia smiled as she entered the room. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Natalia!" I ran towards her and cried in her arms. "You have to tell Declan he can't take my virginity."

"I've tried only you can do that." She sighed.

At dinner Declan and I sat opposite each other. I fought the urge to grab the steak knife and stab myself. I wouldn't let him do this to me. So I had decided to tell him that I do not want him to take my virginity for two reasons. One; I want to wait until I'm married and two; I want it to be with someone I love. I do not love Declan I am using him to get what I want and so far he's failed to give me what I want.

"Declan," I spoke when he had finished eating. "For my birthday I want-"

He cut me off, "I am not taking you to see your family."

I ignored him and continued, "I want roses and lilies."

"Done, now what do you really want?"

"Pleasedon'ttakemyvirginity." I said quickly. Declan shook his head and laughed.

"I have no idea what you just said."

"Please. Don't. Take. My. Virginity." I looked at Declan with pleading eyes and I saw his face soften. I already knew his response though 'I paid for you I'll do what I want with you.'

"You really don't want me to?" He sounded almost hurt by this. It's not like I had any other options if he was planning on keeping me forever then he was really my only choice every other guy here was 50 or older.

"I really don't want you to." I sounded so confident I wasn't even sure it was me speaking anymore.

"Then I won't"

"Thank you."

And just like that the matter was dropped. At bedtime Declan was not there but when I woke up he was right next to me. His arm in it's usual place wrapped around me like I would run away if he let go. Declan was back to normal and I knew sooner or later I'd get to see my family.

[Ok so I'm updating with alot of chapters because I'm going on holiday from the 17th of december to like the 9th of January so for three weeks I won't be able to update. So I will leave you, my readers, with as many chapters as I can and hopefully not leave the last one on a cliff hanger]

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