Chapter 22

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Cold and dark and still naked as the day I was born.

I stood in the highest security cell in my pack's dungeon.  There was no light in this room except the lights that lined the edges of the ceiling.  I stood, my bare feet planted on the hard, cold cement floor.  I still wore the silver collar, except now the ends of the chains were attached to the walls, keeping me in the dead center of the room, tight enough that I couldn't sit down and barely be able to sway back and forth.  They had nicely enough untied my hands and replaced them with silver bracelets that were also attached to the floor, forcing me to hold my arms at an angle away from my body or risk loosing my hands slowly and painfully.  Lastly, they had placed silver anklets around my ankles to prevent any more movement or attempts to escape or rebel, as if that wasn't limited already.

It is the highest security cell because their is absolutely no possibility of the prisoner ever escaping, only killing themselves in an attempt to do so.  It is also the kinda of subtle torture room.  You are forced to remain standing at all times with little to no movement, and must hold your arms out at a 35 degree angle, making your arms tired or risk loosing that hand or at least that hands function.  They placed the silver ankles to keep you feet in a certain position just enough to make you uncomfortable and unable to shuffle your feet around, or to attempt to kick their captors.  Other rooms might have collars or anklets or bracelets, but this is the only room with all of the above.

In this room I had absolutely no concept of time.  I had no idea how long I'd been standing in here and I had no idea how much longer I'd continue to stand here.  My muscles twitched as they grew tired and began to cramp from the stress on my body from the odd position I was put in.  The smell of burning flesh filled the air as the silver seared my flesh.  I was as weak as a human in this state.  No advanced speed or strength, I couldn't mind link or access my wolf in any way since the silver caused her to be pushed into the deep crevices of my mind, as if she was fleeing from having an allergic reaction.  I could still see and hear pretty well unless they put wolfsbane in my system which would make my body go into shock and my organs shut down without proper treatment.  As with both silver and wolfsbane, on the outside they just burn your flesh, on the inside, they tear you apart.

The only sounds in my cell was the sound of the chains occasionally rattling, my heartbeat, and my blood boiling in anger.  I am furious of the situation I'm in.  Stuck in a cell I can't get out of with the man whore as the new alpha, usurping my title.  The only think that could calm me down was the thought of Xavier escaping and being safe.

My ears perked up at the sound of keys rattling and a distant door opening.  Two pairs of heavy footsteps came marching down the halls of the cells and I could hear the moaning and groaning from the other prisoners.  Reaching out of their silver barred cells to grab at the men, asking for food or water.  Begging for release, even the release of death.

The keys jingled as the key to my cell was plunged into the lock and the door opened, revealing Michael and his chosen beta, Don, a hot headed warrior from the lower ranks.

Michael walked in with a grin on his face and he couldn't hide his amusement.  "You should be like this more often, it's quite the sight."

"What do you want Michael," I said looking at him from under my eyes, "you wouldn't grace me with your presence unless you wanted something," venom dripping from my every word.

Michael chuckled as he held his hands behind his back, looking down at his shoes for a moment before looking up at me smiling.  He took a step closer to me getting very close to my face that I could see the pores on his face.  "I wanna know where you sent you little friends too."  He took a step back before ducking under a chain and going to another corner of the room as he continued, "my sister was apparently paying very close attention in pack class, and learned how to cover her tracks and scent so well even the packs best scouts couldn't find them."

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