Chapter 13

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I had to go to the store to get a new bed.  Yes.  We broke the fucking bed.  Don't judge us.  Pete grabbed onto the head board and the thing just snapped.  Of course we didn't stop which only broke it more.  And since Pete went hunting with his friend it was up to me to fix the damn bed.  His friends name was Dallon and he was pretty cool.  But they'd be out for a long time like a day or two.  That's probably why we fucked last night.  Even now he's not that into sex and it's annoying.  Of course I got the whole staying safe spew and the keep yourself out of trouble nonsense.  Then I got the I'll only ever love you speech which was the good part of it.

"Pete I'll be fine.  Just go please" I started pushing him out.

"Okay, okay" he laughed.  He grabbed my hand kissing my palm.  "I'll always only love you remember that.  No one else can even hold my heart the way you can" I smiled and reached up.  He met me halfway kissing me. 

I smiled gently at the memory. 

"Patrick!" someone yelled.  I turned around.

"Andy" I said smiling.

"I'm trying to ignore the smell but I did it!  I told Joe I love him!" He yelled happily. 

"Thats amazing I'm so proud of you" I hugged him even though he smelled like a wet dog.

"I hope you know we can put the past away.  I don't know why I ever did those things and I'm sorry" he frowned pulling out of the hug.

"I'm sorry too"

"But does he treat you right?  As your best friend it's my job to know.  I'll kick his bloodsucking ass" He cracked a smile and so did I.

"Yeah.  He does" I said.

"So why're you at the store?  I thought you guys didn't eat"

"Oh.  We don't.  Pete broke the bed"

"I thought you guys didn't sleep" I gave him a look and he caught on "Oh my god!" he started laughing hysterically "I guess he got a little to excited huh!?"

"Oh my god" I groaned rolling my eyes.  We started walking when he calmed down "So, does Joe know what you are?"

"I haven't found quite the right way to tell him" He said.  We walked into the store and I had to hold my breath.  "Are you okay"

"I'm still a newborn so blood makes me run wild.  But I should be okay.  You have my permission to hold me back if I attempt to suck a person dry.  Anyway, I don't really think there is a right way to tell him"

"Well, how'd Pete tell you?" I giggled a little.

"He beat up my ex boyfriend and I kinda figured out he wasn't human so he just told me"

"And you were okay with it?"

"Uhm, at first I crawled away from him begging him not to hurt me but then I was pretty okay with it" I shrugged "He clearly just wanted to protect me.  Plus, I know it sounds corny but there was just something more there.  Now I don't know if I could keep living without him.  One day away from him drives me insane"

"I feel that with Joe too.  It's a weird feeling"

"Yeah but it's worth it.  Like Pete just went hunting with his friend.  I miss him like crazy but I'd never tell him that or else he'd never leave my side.  I love him but imagine how annoying that's get"

"Joe complains about that!  He says we're always together!" he smile at me.  I smiled back.

"Is that why you're here today?"

"Yeah.  I didn't wanna start a fight so I left him a note saying I needed to get out for a while" He bit his lip "But I'm scared to leave him because well Lukes after him too.  Right now I have two guys from my pack watching him"

"Pete told me he was gonna send some people to watch over me too.  But I'm actually stronger than anyone he sends" I shrugged.

"Ah.  Right.  New borns are strongest" I nodded. 

"So how does one buy a bed?" I asked Andy.
He helped me set it all up and I even got some new sheets for it too. 

"What do we do with the broken one?" he asked.  I stared at it.

"Break it more?" I asked.  He shrugged and we both jumped on it until it was a pile of nothing.  I grabbed it all putting it in two different trash bags then left it at the curb for the trash men.  We walked back to the house.  "Well, now I don't know what to do with my life"

"Wanna see Joe?  He misses you I can tell you were his only real friend"

"Yeah I think I do wanna see Joe.  Let me just lock up real quick and I'll be over"

"Okay.  Hey wanna see what I look like as a wolf?"

"Sure" I said.

"Okay I have to take my pants off don't get freaked out" I giggled and he took his pants off.  Then he started changing and finally he was a giant black wolf.  He lowered his head whimpering so I pet him. 

"Nice" I said smiling "I'm actually very impressed" I pet him one more time before he took off running.  I rolled my eyes smiling.  I went inside but the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.  I smelled another vampires presence.  I froze up completely. 

"P-Pete?" I stuttered. 

"Yeah" I relaxed as he hugged my waist.

"You're supposed to be hunting"

"We are.  I'm just passing through" he kissed down my neck.  "I miss you" he murmured in my ear.

"I miss you too" I said gently "I'm about to go visit Joe.  Andy says he misses me"

"Be safe" He placed his chin on my shoulder "Please"

"When am I not?" I asked smiling.  He laughed. 

"I can name multiple times"

"Do you not trust me Peter Lewis?" I asked.

"I always trust you.  Now kiss me I have to go"

"So if I don't kiss you will you stay?" I asked.  He chuckled and pecked my lips. 

"I'll see you soon" he moved a piece of my hair behind my ear "Au revoir mon amour"

"Awh please don't leave me" I pouted "I'll kill every deer in the area if you'll stay"

"Tempting.  But some time away can only make our relationship stronger.  At least that's what I've heard" He kissed me again.  "I love you"

"I love you more"

"Impossible" He was gone before I could respond. 

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