Chapter 9

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I sat on the couch at Petes old house.  He said he hadn't gotten to selling it yet so it kinda just sat there waiting.  He probably knew where I was but wasn't really thinking about it know.  This is why I wanted to leave and disappear.  Exactly this reason.  I ran my hand across the couch cushion.  This is how it all happened.  If I would have never asked to sleep on his couch I wouldn't be with him today.  I smelled him nearby.  I turned around and looked at him.

"Why here?" he asked.

"When you wanna run away.  Where do you go?  Somewhere that makes you happy right?" I asked. 

"Shes worried.  I had to tell her what we are.  She was a bit scared at first then she was mad at me for turning you into this.  But when I explained why she started understanding a bit.  She wants to talk to you"

"Okay" I said.

"When you're ready" He sat next to me.  I laid my head on his shoulder.

"This is why I wanted to run" I mumbled.  He smiled.

"You would have missed her too much.  You know it.  You love your mom more than you care to admit"

"I don't love that douchebag sperm donor" I grumbled.  He laughed gently.

"You know I always resented my father.  Then when I lost him it hit me hard.  I spent all that time hating him and I never had a dad.  Now I wish I did have a dad like yours.  Sure he can be a douche but at least he's trying"

"It's too late now.  He beat me so badly I would bleed and you watched it" he tensed up and flinched.

"All those times I wanted to step in" He said quietly.  He shut his eyes. "He still hasn't apologized"

"No" I said shaking my head "He hasn't" He kissed my forehead. 

"Let's go talk to your mom" he mumbled.
She looked at me in fear when we walked inside. 

"So" she said "You're a vampire"

"Yeah" I whispered.

"They exist?" she asked.  I nodded.  "A-and you drink blood?  Pete made you this?"

"Well I didn't exactly do it to myself" I mumbled.  She reacher her hand out.  I gave her my hand and she felt it.

"It's so cold"

"Yeah" I said "I have no blood" She nodded feeling my hand. 

"Why would you want this?" she asked.  I looked at Pete and smiled.  He was watching her carefully.  His eyes scanned her making sure she didn't try anything. 

"Because all I'll ever want is Pete" He looked down at me.  "It's the only way I can be with him.  We don't age.  One day I'd be useless to him.  I'd be old.  And he'd have to go through the pain of watching me die.  Then he'd live life without me" he enclosed my hand in his then brought it to his cheek.  He turned it over and kissed my palm.  "You have to keep us a secret though" I looked at her.  "You shouldn't know.  You could be killed"

"Why?" she asked.

"Even vampires have rules.  If you know and you tell we'll have angry mobs.  We live in peace with you humans.  We don't wanna break that peace" Pete said.  I read her thoughts carefully.  Do they not trust me to not tell?  Why would I tell?  That'd be awful.  I'd never do that to my son

"Don't tell my sperm donor please" I said.  Pete smiled a little bit.  He tried to hide it but I saw it.

"Your sperm donor?" she asked.

"His father.  He appears to enjoy calling him a sperm donor"

"Thats what he is" I shrugged.

"Oh you tiny 18 year old someday you'll learn" he said.  I flipped him off and he smiled widely. 

"Fuck you" I mumbled.

"Okay" he said.  If I had blood I'd be blushing.  I looked at my mom who was giggling. 

"I want a divorce" I grumbled.  He snorted and hugged my waist tightly.  He kissed my cheek.

"Smile" he said.  I shook my head.

"Nope" I said.  He kissed my entire face all over the place.  I giggled at how much his facial hair tickled me.

"Ha I win"

"I have to spend eternity with him" I complained to my mom.  She shrugged smiling.  Dammit I hate humans.

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