Chapter 6

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I woke up to a note next to me from Pete.

Mon amour,
I would've taken my heart to the alter but it appears you hold it in your hands. God, I can't believe I'm actually marrying you. It's the happiest day of my life. Be safe.


I smiled at it sleepily. He was the greatest man anyone could ask for and he was all mine.

"Patrick!" My mom yelled "Time to wake up you're getting married!"

"I know!" I yelled "I'm so happy" I mumbled.
I walked down the isle, well grass since we were in the woods, slowly. Petes eyes held mine the entire way. He smiled at me while I tried not to lose my shit as I held onto Joe and my moms arms. My dad refused to walk me. Dick. My mom kissed my cheek and took her seat. Then Joe kissed my cheek and went to his spot. Pete extended his hand to me pulling me up with him. I leaned over.

"Happy birthday" I whispered in his ear. He smiled from ear to ear.

"Dearly beloved"
I looked at Pete and he looked at me. They waited for me to start my vows. I gulped.

"Uhm, w-well we both know I suck at words" I squeezed his hands nervously "And nothing compares to your beautiful vows." I smiled "Pete, my lifes been so different with you here. You're my best friend, my lover, and my protector. There's nothing I can't tell you and nothing you can't tell me. You fight away the bad dreams and kill off my fears. I can't be apart from you too long my heart starts to ache. So being apart from you for the rest of my life might kill me. That's why marrying you today would make my life better. I know I'm always yours and you're always mine. Forever" If vampires could cry he would be. My vows were nothing compared to his yet he was on the verge of tears. Well, if vampires could cry. I slid my ring onto his finger.

"Then by the power invested in me I pronounce you husbands. You may kiss" The priest said. Pete walked closer and grabbed my cheeks.

"Don't pull away too soon bloodsucker" I mumbled.

"Wouldn't dream of it" He whispered. He leaned in and kissed me. Everyone around us cheered loudly. I felt some tears fall down my cheeks. He wiped them away as he pulled back. "How was that?" he asked.

"Perfect" I mumbled. He Hugged me to his chest. "I love you so much"

"I love you too"
The wedding reception was fun. I got to force feed Pete some cake. He smirked at me as I laughed at him. He dropped the cake and grabbed my waist kissing me. Everyone cheered around us. I grabbed his belt loops kissing back. He pulled away from me smiling.

"Who wants cake!?" I yelled. People cheered again. I handed the knife to Joe since he wanted to cut the rest of it. After that we all danced on the dance floor. Let me say that that night I was so fucking drunk. And I wasn't even legally old enough to be drunk. Joe and I ended up doing the cotton eyed joe together. Pete was biting his nails to the beds watching me like this. He didn't like how drunk I was. I walked over to him smiling lazily. He sighed at me.

"I think it's time to go" he said frowning.

"But I wanna see the after party" I said lazily "And the teddy bears"

"Are you high or drunk" I fell against his shoulder.

"I love you" I slurred.

"Wha- I love you too"

"I'm sleepy Petey"

"Petey?" I nodded. He looked down at me sadly. "Don't make me change you. It'd hurt too much" He whispered.

"You don't have to change me Petey" My head fell against his arm now "I don't want you to hurt" I smiled at him and closed my eyes. He lifted me up and carried me to his car.

"I'll wait till you're sober" he said gently.
I woke up still in his car. My head was pounding like a mother fucker. I looked over at him. He was staring at me intensely.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He looked like he was in pain now.

"I-I don't wanna change you" he said gently. He moved his fingers down my neck "I love you too much as you are. It hurts to even think about changing you. You're my little human" I closed my eyes when he pressed his hand to my cheek "And I love you so much"

"I'll still be me when I'm changed Pete. I just won't eat human food"

"I know" He closed his eyes "Let me make this quick" he said. His fangs grew out. I closed my eyes closed as he came closer. His fangs pressed against my neck and he bit. I screamed in pain but that wasn't even the worst part. When he pulled away the pain tripled. I stared at him wide eyed screaming. I squeezed his hand as hard as I could while he looked like he wanted to kill himself right then and there. I screamed louder as pain filled my arms and my legs. My toes curled. I felt colder. The pain started to dull and I felt so different. I looked at Pete. He stared at me with an unreadable expression. I looked at my hands. Then I touched my face. I crawled over to him. He sniffed the air.

"You smell so amazing" he whispered. He ran his hand down my cheek "You're so beautiful" My throat burned. I pressed my hand to it. "Y-you have to eat"

"Deer" I whispered. He nodded. I leaned in and kissed him gently. He smiled on my lips and pulled away.

"I don't wanna kill you anymore" he said smiling. He pulled down the mirror on the roof for me to look at. I was pale white. My eyes looked the same. I had fangs now. But he was right for once in my life I looked absolutely beautiful. Just like him. I looked back over at him. "Let me teach you how to hunt" he said smirking.

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