4. Monsters Can't Love?

Comenzar desde el principio

I walk out of the house and decide to find water to bathe in. It's been about a week since I've bathed and I probably reek. I listen into the distance and try to hear running water and just my luck, I can hear a river flowing about a few miles away. Luckily, with my speed I'm there in about 30 seconds. The river is a little small but big enough for me to get in.

I take off my cloak and my black shirt and shorts that I managed to acquire over the years. I lay my katana and other knives against the closest tree. I then wash my clothes in the river first and then lay them out to dry. As they are drying, I hop in the river myself. It's a lot colder than I thought but very refreshing at the same time. I run my fingers through my hair and try to get all the tangles out, but I eventually give up and let it be. I then wipe all the dirt and dried blood off my body with my hands, and since I don't have any soap, I pray that the water will clean me enough.

As I continue to clean myself I hear footsteps in the distance.

Demon or person?

I listen very carefully; then, I hear growling coming from three different demons.


I'm naked in this river and my weapons aren't on me. If I get out they will probably hear me and even see me. I finally get a glimpse of the three demons walking towards the river on the opposite side and I have no choice. I duck under the water as quickly and quietly as I can. The river is murky and I can't see anything under; I also can't hear anything from above. I can feel myself running out of air but I hold myself under a little longer. I'm praying that they hurry up and walk by or that something else catches their attention.

I could easily kill them, but I don't feel like fighting butt naked at the moment.

Everything is starting to go black and I really need to breathe, so I slowly swim up to the surface. I peak my eyes out first and see that the demons are gone.


I then stand up and take a big breath of air. If I had held my breath any longer I would have died and woken up hours later floating down the river. And then I would have lost my cloak and katana, which I can never lose. I feel so relieved right now.

I quickly run and throw on my clothes and grab my weapons. I tie the knives around my waist and throw the katana over my shoulder.


I arrive at a different abandoned house as night time is approaching. I quickly check the house and make sure there aren't any demons hanging about. I start to walk up the stairs and it's dead quiet, except for the steps creaking. When I reach the top of the stairs I approach a hallway that oddly leads to one room at the end. I haven't moved a muscle and I hear a creak from the room. And then another.

I pull my katana out from it's case and hold it up as I quietly approach the room. I open the door as quietly as I can and I see a little girl standing in the corner of the room, with her back facing me, that seems to be brushing her hair with a non existing hairbrush. I take really light and quiet steps as I approach the girl with my katana up. One slight noise and my cover will be blown.


The demon stops brushing her hair and turns around. Her eyes are yellow and black, and half her face looks like it was burned off. The front of her white dress is covered with blood and guts; her teeth are sharp and covered in old flesh and plaque. She immediately starts running toward me, catching me off guard, and grabs my katana right out of my hands.

A smart one.

Some demons keep the knowledge they have from when they were humans. They can't talk but they can use weapons and they sharpen their own teeth.

I run to the other side of the room as fast as I can and she's confused because I vanished so quickly. I quickly grab my knife from my waist, but I'm not quick enough as I see a blade coming towards my face. I duck and run towards the girl's legs and tackle her to the ground. She drops the katana in the process. I pin her arms and try to hold her down, but she's a lot stronger than I thought. She's biting the air in front of me, trying to take a chunk out of my face and I hold back as far as I can...mostly because her breath reeks.

I quickly run and grab my katana and before she can react, I slice her head cleanly from her neck. Her head lands on the floor and her body right next to it.

I hate those smart asses.

I put my katana back into it's case and walk towards a dirty mirror in the room. I have demon's blood splattered on my face and clothes that I just washed. I don't pay attention to it and just look at my face. I haven't aged a day, but I look completely different from when I was an innocent human. You can see the evil and lack of emotion in my eyes and how perfect my hair and skin look. It's almost...fake looking. I wipe the blood off of my face and walk away from the mirror. I almost hate what I saw but I chose to ignore it.

I walk to the very back of the room and notice a door that leads to an outside balcony. I open it and sit down on a rusty old chair. It's completely dark outside now; all you can really see is explosions in the distance and old street lights that light up the torn up roads. In the streets, you can see blood and a bunch of trash. I also see two old cars that crashed into each other. The skeletons inside confirms that the people died from impact. They were probably trying to escape. I then look at the house across the street and notice two demons roaming on the front yard. One of them walks towards an old baby stroller and trips over it.


This world used to be so beautiful but now it's gone to shit, so I choose to look at something that's beautiful and will never change. The stars. I throw my legs up on the balcony and lean my head back on the chair. I stare at the stars and try to make shapes out of them. I then see a shooting star. Too bad I don't believe in wishes.

I then find myself drift off to sleep while staring at the moon.


I'm really enjoying writing this story and I'm hope you enjoy reading it!

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Next update in a day or 2 xoxo

Revenge? Absolutely. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora