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Today was okay I guess.. The bell had rang, meaning that it was time to go home! Whoohoo!

I packed up my things and head to my locker to get my bag. I have plans tonight, Chase wanted to make everything up too me by bringing me to a dinner. Mostly a date. So when I got home, nobody was home. So I hooked up my phone to the speakers And started playing my music as I got in the shower. After the shower I got out and looked at my self in the mirror. Its 3:23 and Chase is taking me out at 8.

I got enough time. I took out my scissors and just started cutting my hair off. I cut it so it was shorter than my shoulders. Than I got my hair dye from my bed room and started dyeing my hair. It was time for a change.


After washing my hair I brushed it and started with my makeup. I did my Eyebrows and I looked so damn cute. I be slaying. I started covering up the cuts all over my body with makeup. After I was done with my makeup and hair I got dress and looked at the time and it was 7:45.

 After I was done with my makeup and hair I got dress and looked at the time and it was 7:45

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Luke had his friends over and when I walked downstairs, they just stopped and looked at me. "Hey you're that girl, everyone been talking about!" His friend James said. I just looked up at him from the kitchen counter. He just went back to the TV, and Luke walked over to me. "Where you going?" He asked and started playing on his phone.

I put my phone back into my purse and looked at him. "Out with chase." He was going to say something, but I stopped him. "You can't tell mom or dad. I'm going on a date, and he is just trying to make everything up. Can you just say I went over Asher's?" I asked and give him the puppy dog eyes. He shoved his hands into his packets. Well. I know where this is going.

"Only. If you oder me and my friends pizza." I rolled my eyes. "Why can't you?" I asked a little sassy. "Because I don't want to spend any money. Well I guess you don't care that mom and dad find out where you actually are going." He picked up the house phone and I saw him putting mom's number in.

"Fine! Fine! I oder you some pizza." Him and his friends high five and went back too there little nerd games. I oder them pizza and put 30$ on the table. Just when I was about give up and on this date the door bell rang. I walked over to the door to be met with a cute yet hot looking Chase. He was in a black leather jacket, black rapped Jens and black shoes.

He pulled something from his back and I was shocked. A bouquet of black roses. My favorite. "I know how you like different things. So I got you these... Sorry I came late, I had to pick these up and we won't be going to the dinner. We will be going to the movies instead.." He said I smiled and grabbed the flowers.

"Thank you, there beautiful. And its fine." I put the flowers in the vase and we walked out my house, only to be headed to the movies. And nobody would of thought of what would of happened next..

This chap is very short and boring. But next chapter will be way better and I think this story is going to end soon? I don't know yet.
But please! Vote and Comment loves!

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