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I woke up in someone's arms. Whoever it was smelt really, really good. Like. Like cinnamon. No, no. Apples. Yeah, whoever it smelt like red apples. The juicy kind. I sat up in someone's black sweatshirt and I looked over to see.


He is so cute when he is sleeping. He had tattoos all over his arms, he was in a white t shirt and some black skinny Jens. I just notice that he had a lip ring in too. So cute

"You like what you see?" He asked opening one eye. I looked away quickly. I have notice at we are on the beach. God. Its beautiful. He sat up next to me and I don't know, but I got head rush.

I rubbed my head. "Fuck. I had to much to drink last night.." I rubbed my head and god. I feel like someone hit me over and over again with a bat. "Yo, what happened last night? Why were you crying?" Than all the memories started coming back.

My best friend sleeping with my boyfriend. My fucking boyfriend. Tears came down my cheek just thinking about all the stuff me and her been though together. "Hey, don't cry. Its going to be ok-" I cut him off.

"No its not! Its never going to be ok! My best friend since birth was giving my damn boyfriend, a fucking blowjob! How am I going to live with that?!" His face went into shock. I shook my head and covered my head.

"I am so sorry. I didn't know that." I shook my head. I don't care. Fuck her. I can live with out her. I'm the must popular girl at school! Everyone wants to be my friend! I rubbed my eyes. "Forget it.. Thanks for actually staying here and letting me were this." I started to take his jacket off when he stopped me.

"Keep it." Awwww! That melt my heart! What am I saying?! You just lost you're Bestfriends!! Keep in those tears Alison!! Keep! Them! In!! I just looked into his big blue eyes. "Thanks..." I said and stood up. I rubbed the sand off my butt. "Let me bring you home."

"No, its okay.". "Let me being you home. With you're hang over in the sun? Not good." He put his hand in the middle of my back and started making me walk to his car. Black. Was the color. He opened the door for me and I give him a quiet thanks, and got in. We drove in silence too my house. When we got there I was getting out when he stopped me.

"Nice meeting you Alison. I'll see you at school on Monday." I give him such a fake smile and got into the house. My family was in the kitchen eating breakfast. "Morning" my father said as he flipped some pancakes. I didn't say thing but just walk to my bed room. I pulled my phone off and just had one message.

Em😘: "Pay back is a bitch. Bitch."

What does that even mean. I sent her a quick text back.

Ali: "What have I done to you? We're Bestfriends Emily!"

Em😘: "All the guys you take from me! Its Alison all the time! Alison, Alison, Alison! Well you're going to regret having all the attention on you! And by the way bitch. We were never friends. Its called take a acting class cunt."

Tears came to my eyes. I through my phone at the floor and started crying. I knocked stuff off my desked and cried. I cried my self to sleep. I woke up at 2 in the morning. Did I sleep all day? I'm impressed👏.

I put all my things back on my desk and took off my makeup and put on some warm PJs. I longed into Twitter and.




I could not see what was in font of my face. Pictures of me, when I had bad acne, Glasses and braces. And there was tweets! Bad ones about me!! And only one person was doing it!

Emily Miller: "Alison was so stupid! Hahaha! She would try so hard to fit in! Did she think people really liked her?! Think again Bitch!"

People were laughing and retwitting it!! And the more I looked, the more nasty they got!! I went onto Facebook and Why. Why is this happing to me?!

Videos and more pictures of me!! I was so hideous and disgusting!! Tears found there ways out my eyes. Than Emily status said something.

Emily Miller: "Do use all a favor Alison! Kill you're self!!"

And people were liking it.. I closed my laptop. I walked over to my bed and fell on it. I cried my self to sleep. I didn't know what to say or do... I was just so in shock, on how can someone do that.


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