Forty-Three: The Accident

Start from the beginning

The smashed windows splitting and cutting us up, the metal digging into our skins and then the water threatened to drown us.

I couldn't seem to move, trapped by Mariska's body and the punctured metal. Just as the water was filling up the car from all the new holes gapping around, dragging us deeper into the ruthless water. I sent out a link. Whether it was to Elisha, Nathaniel or Alexander I had no clue.

'Car tumbled over into a river. Help.'

I tried to fight against the seatbelt but my efforts were futile, it wasn't moving. It was damaged, I tried to crawl out of it but the drivers seat was somewhat crushing my legs. I was by all definitions: trapped.

I continued to try and fight my way out until my consciousness slipped away from me just as I had managed to release one leg. I had run out of air and fell victim to the darkness.


Oxygen was forced into my lungs then my chest compressed a few times.

Everything was still dark but I could make out little sounds between the water hitting the shore, cars speeding on the road and someone saying my name.

"Come on, wake up Ellie," My face was tapped numerous times, air pushed into my lungs, "Wake up, the ambulance is on its way. You can't give up. Come on, we can't lose you again."

My chest was pumped again and air pushed into my mouth, to my lungs. The process was repeated a few times before I could respond.

I jolted up and spat out a crap load of water. It just spilled out. I coughed violently and the body held me close, rubbing my back.

"You're okay." Nathaniel cooed, I knew his voice and no one else called me Ellie anyway.

I continued to cough, "Thank you." I wheeze, "For coming." I reach my hand up and he gingerly grabs it in his.

"Shh," He kissed my knuckles.

He pulled back and lifted me up into his arms, beginning his walk to the top of the hill. I got a good look behind him and I couldn't see the car, just other bodies. Mariska, the driver, the man who was sat on the passenger seat. They were being attended to by their own I suppose.

I lay my head on Nathaniel's chest and focused on Alexander. I needed to know where he was, how come he didn't come with.

'Nathan just disappeared. I don't know where ' Abel looked into his brother's eyes. He looked closely and could see Elijah's eyes in Alexander's. His brother had said that she could do that once she marked him.

Axel had a great laugh at Alexander's expense over that. Abel as well as Alex knew that Axel would never let Alex live this down. Axel would never let Alexander forget that his mate marked him first.

One could never really see Abel's eyes in Alexander's or vice versa when they looked through each others eyes because their eyes were already identical. What difference is there to be seen?

Now, when Abel looked into his brother's eyes he could see the different shade of brown. Her shade of brown in his brother's eyes. It was beautiful, a mix of their chocolate brown and her hazel caramel.

'She's doing it again.' He said and Alexander groaned.

He could not see through hers and he really wanted to. He tried to link her, to ask why she wasn't at the shop yet but he couldn't get through to her. He was worried. They were in a foreign country and although Ivan had been defeated not all of his followers were killed. They could be out to get any of them.

The door to Mariska's shop opened and in walked Devon Ignashevich. Alexander held back another groan. If he could never see another Ignashevich brother again, he would thank the Moon.

'There has been an accident. The driver lost control of the car carrying Elijah and Mariska. They are being taken to the hospital. Come, let us drive you.'

Anger surged through Alexander. He couldn't reach her because she was probably out cold. Nathaniel disappeared because she must have linked Nate over Alexander. Her own damn mate. He couldn't help the growl that shook the entire store and its contents.

I stopped focusing on him. I could feel his anger. It bubbled within me too. It gnawed at my stomach, making me feel guilty for linking the wrong brother. It was an honest mistake. I had linked Nathaniel several times, I was used to it. It had become second nature. It did take more effort because our bond wasn't true like mine and Alexander's or Elisha. So it is a little odd that it went out to him.

I couldn't understand why and I wish I could make Alexander understand that. I hadn't know who I had sent the link out to, for all I know it could've went out to all three of them.

'His wolf's mad.' The voice of my inner wolf called out.

I nearly cried, I hadn't heard her in so long, all I wanted to do was cry out for joy.

I missed her. I missed her so much.

I was on a gurney, at the back of an ambulance van on the way to a hospital. I mildly felt thankful that I had called this brother, I don't know a lick of Russian. I'd need the help. I know Alexander knows a few words, but Nate knows them all.

I squeezed Nate's hand, – that had been holding mine since we got into the vehicle – to bring his attention to my eyes, "My wolf," I smiled, "She spoke to me." I managed before I was out of it again.


Uhm, did anyone else realise that he basically kissed her. CPR, yeah whatever more like free kisses. Lolololol. 😂😂

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