3. A Devil's Kiss

Start from the beginning

Those are my brother's last words as he walks away from the crowd and walks towards me.

"I don't know about this man... They are all going to die if they actually find her," I say

"I know," he replies.

I look at him in confusion.

"Think about it Nate. If everyone's out looking for her, she'll realize there's a bounty, and that will lead her back to here. Back to us because after all, she wants us two dead the most. We know there's no way in hell any of these people will be able to capture her, so why not bring her to us?"

"It's still a shit plan," I say

"Shut up it's the only way. By the way, I need you to go out of base and find food somewhere. You may need to venture out of the woods to find an old grocery store. I'll send 2 guys with you."

I roll my eyes and walk away. He makes me do everything while he just sits on his ass. His excuse is always "I'm the boss". I've barely slept in days because he's always sending me on night long missions.

I grab my guns, my bag, and I walk out the gates with two guys I've never talked to before, Mike and Chuck. Mike is really quiet and Chuck just won't shut the hell up.

"Oh my god I can't believe The JR Killer is real!!!!!!"

"She's like.... crazy!!!" Chuck says.

"What if she comes now and kills us?!?!?!"

"It's getting dark."

"I'm scared."

" We're going to die."

"She is going to rip our heads off. "

I stop walking and I turn around so Chuck's face is inches from mine. He's a few feet shorter than me and kind of chubby so I look intimidating compared to him.

"If you don't shut the hell up I will rip out your throat and feed it to you," I threaten in his face sternly.

He immediately straightens up and says, "Sorry sir."

The rest of the walk is quiet. There's no wind, no birds or other animals, just our footsteps as we step on leaves. It's almost too quiet, but I decide to ignore it. I'm too focused on finding the right way out of the woods.

As I'm walking I start to think about JR, I'm not sure why but I can't help but think she could be near us. All we have are guns, so if she is here, we're dead. I still hold my assault rifle up as I'm walking to make me feel safe. I'm starting to sweat a little as I'm walking and the crunch of leaves under my feet is driving me nuts. I guess you can say I'm kind of nervous, which is weird because I've never been nervous on a mission.

"Guys this way," I say looking back

What the hell?

Mike and Chuck are nowhere to be found. I swear they were behind me just a second ago! It's starting to get dark, and the wind is picking up. Leaves are flying everywhere, and I can barely see what's in front of me. I can feel the hair standing up on my arms and neck and goosebumps forming over my entire body.

"Mike? Chuck? Where the hell are you guys?!" I yell. Nothing.

The wind is getting stronger, and I think a storm is coming through. Leaves are hitting my face and body and I feel the wind start to push me.

"Shit!" I say. I put my arms up to my face to shield myself from any leaves or debris that are flying at me.

Then it stops.

I put my arm down slowly, thinking the storm must of stopped, but I'm welcomed with another surprise. A figure is standing in the distance, but I can't quite see who it is.

"Mike is that you???" I yell.


I squint my eyes trying to make out the figure but then all of a sudden it's standing right in front of me.

"What the fuck?!" I jumped back. The figure in front of me is wearing an old, grey cloak that covers it from head to toe. The hood is covering it's face causing the person to be unrecognizable. I then look at the katana it's holding and see that the handle is carved with the letters "JR".

"You," I say with my eyes wide. I feel like I'm going into shock but I pull myself together so that I'm ready for a fight. She slowly starts to walk toward me.

"Don't take another step," I command with my gun held up to her.

"You're not going to shoot me," She says as she takes another step.

That's one thing I hate about people. They underestimate me and think I don't have the guts to do certain things. I pull the trigger on my gun, hitting her straight in the heart. She stumbles back a bit and then I watch in horror as the bullet removes itself from her chest.

Before I can react, I'm shoved up against a tree. I can feel the tree bark scrape my back and I wince from the pain. She shoves her arm against my throat and cuts off my airway; I'm struggling to breathe. She makes the mistake of moving her body close to me, instead of away, and I knee her in the stomach. I knock the wind out of her and she stumbles back trying to compose herself. I then punch her and she falls to the ground.

As she falls, her hood comes off. A head full of brown curls lands on the ground. I immediately pin her to the ground so that she can't get up. Her hair is covering her face so I can barely see her.

"JR," I say.

She suddenly starts laughing. She's laughing so hard to the point of tears.

"What the hell is so funny?"

"That you think you're stronger than me," She replies.

All of a sudden, I end up under her as she's pinning me to the ground. In that time frame, she also managed to get her hood back on.

"Shit, let me go!" I exclaim struggling to escape, but she is way too strong. I can feel her nails digging into my arm and breaking my skin.

She remains silent but starts to move her head towards my neck.

Shit, Shit, Shit, is all I can think.

I feel her lips brush against my neck and then her teeth. All I can think is that I'm going to die by the same monster that killed my father. She's going to drain the life out of me and not even care. I feel her smelling and kissing my neck, trying to find the perfect place to sink her teeth in. But then she stops.

Is she hesitating?

And then she does something I would have never expected in a million years.

She moves her head so that it's level with mine and she kisses me. I feel her slip her tongue in, and for some reason I go along with it. We're moving our lips in sync like we've done this a million times, and I feel so attracted to her in this moment, like I've known this girl my whole life... like I'm in love with her.

But then I remember who she is and what she does. I move to push her off of me but of course...

She's gone.


Sorry that this chapter was little shorter.... Crazy time jump huh?

Bet you weren't expecting the last scene ;) I wonder why Nathan feels so attracted just by a kiss? And I wonder why JR kissed him? You'll have to keep reading to find out ;)

Next update in a day or 2! <3

Thanks for all the reads and votes in such a short amount of time! I really appreciate it!

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