Vampire's Hostage ~ chapter two

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hey guys, if you like this story, remember to comment, vote, fan and tell your friends! thanks -Mikaela


It was coming closer. The sounds, the Vampires.

Too soon the metallic screech of bars being opened came to the cell beside me.

Joyce’s cell.

I was next. All I could think about was ‘why us? Why us?!’

As my cell was too, wrenched open, I scooted back, into the corner.

A boy, about my age, seventeen, slipped inside, and shut the gate behind him.

His eyes were electric blue.

He walked slowly, cautiously towards me and then crouched down when he was about a foot away. He stared into my eyes, and I stared back.

“Hello.” He whispered.

That was odd, I hadn’t heard the other vampires talking to their prey.

I whimpered in response.

“I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.”

“W-who are you?”  I choked out.

“I am prince Jace, I am a Vampire. My father is the king of vampires.”

“Why am I here? Why are my friends here!” I said a little more steadily. Now that it was confirmed they were vampires, I knew I had no chance of getting out alive any way. So I shouted; “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US?!”

“Shh-shh, calm down, I promise, I'm not going you hurt you.”

“You didn't answer my question. Why am I here in the first place!”

“You and your friends have been brought here to be feeders.” He said calmly, and quietly.

“F-feeders?” I stuttered.

He nodded. “Feeders.”

“S-so, you’re just going to drain us?” 

“Not all at once, but essentially yes, that is what is going to happen.”

“Why?”  I asked.

“Because, we need energy, blood is our life force, that's just the way it is.”

A tear slipped down my face. This was all too much. Way too much.

“So, you have to kill us to stay alive? That's fair, tell me, why are your lives so much more important than ours?”

He sat back on his heels and shrugged. “Are you a vegetarian?” I shook my head. “Why is your life any more important than the cow that was killed for your hamburger last night, or the pig for your bacon?”

I cowered into the corner farther, pressing myself as hard as I could into the concrete. I felt sick.

“You see? It's all in the food chain, I just happen to be higher up than you.”

I hated the tears that began to streak my face.

 He took my face into his hands. “Don't cry.” He said. “When royalty bites, it isn't like a normal Vampire bite. It feels good.”

Did I mention I felt sick?

He leaned closer to me.

He wiped a tear from my face.

He kissed me.

I was reluctant, but I eventually allowed him to deepen it, knowing he would anyway.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him. The way he kissed me, I couldn’t help but mould myself to him further.

His mouth kissed down from mine and to my neck.

He sank his teeth in and began to drink.

The sensations were amazing, shocking.

 I wrapped my arms around his neck and just let him drink from me, I couldn’t describe the feeling if I tried.

I frowned as I felt him take his teeth from my neck.

I pulled my head back – slightly woozy – to look him in his bright blue eyes.

“Why did you stop?” I asked; shocked at myself, now that it was over and I was sane.

“if I had taken anymore, I would have drained you.”


“But you see what I mean about your liking it? It wasn't too bad, was it?”

Slowly I shook my head, realizing what had just happened. “It didn't feel bad physically, no. But I know that I will never like it.” I said diligently. “Here it is. vamp.” I looked him straight in his electrifying eyes, trying to look hard pressed and make him realize this. “I am seventeen. I have a life ahead of me. I want to go to university. I want to have a successful career and have kids and a family. I will never like someone, or some fucking feeling that makes me forget that.”

“Really?” he said.

He leaned in closer to me and kissed my neck.

I sighed wistfully.

“Are you sure you don’t like it?”

I did the only thing I could think of to get him out of such close proximity.

I spit in his face.

He jumped backwards, disgusted I guessed. “You will regret that. And trust me, you will learn to like the feelings I give you. And fast. Or, I can move on to another meaningless, stubborn human, and leave you wreathing and crying in pain on my floor for the rest of eternity.”

He pulled something from his pocket and tossed it at me – dry cheerio’s in a plastic zip-lock baggie – opened my cell door, and stalked out. Making damn sure to slam the door.

I culled up into a ball on the floor.

What the hell is this? Some sick twisted Horror novel?

I sat there for a long time, just shivering, sniffling, and popping cheerio’s I'm my mouth. I scooted over to Joyce's cell.

“Joyce?” I called.

She whimpered. I poured a handful of cheerio’s from the bag and slid them under the thick chain link fence separating us.

Almost immediately they disappeared.

“Hey, save some, you never know when we’re going to get fed again.”

I slid over to the other cell and peered inside.

Kate Hayman was peering back at me.  

We were long time enemies, but right now, it didn't matter, she was just as much a concern as me or Joyce.      

  Without a word I slid some into her cell as well.

She nodded silently.

I scooted back to the center of my cell and put my cheerio’s in the corner closest to Joyce.  

I was soo tired.

Without a second thought, I pulled off my top and bunched it up like a pillow. I lay my head down and counted sheep; a regular practice for me, though I think I only got to about three before I passed out entirely.

In my dream it was freezing. I was strapped down to a table, completely naked, as people – with fangs – bit me, over and over. Unlike Jace’s bite, these burned. Seared. I was screaming, piercing, feral snarls ripped through me. Threatening to tear me apart. The room I was in was perfectly square, and the walls were a bleached white colour. Jace stood in the corner near the door, cringing with every shriek that burst from my mouth, like he was experiencing the pain, right along with me. Our eyes locked. Brown with blue. I knew he in fact was feeling the pain with me. help me. I pleaded with my eyes. His filled with agony, he mouthed three little words.

I love you.

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