Vampire's Hostage - chapter 11

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So, guys. This is the end. Yea. I know. You're all thinking 'what the hell took you so long?'. Life got in the way and I'm so sorry I made you wait. I wasn't going to write the end at all actually, but I owed it to all of you who voted. 

This is dedicated to everyone who took one glance at this story. 

This is the first story I've completeled, and it's thanks to all of you. 


“How do you feel?” 

It was a simple question. Jace asked it in a grave tone though. I knew he was upset. I knew that he hadn’t wanted to turn me into a vampire. I know that he still wishes he didn’t. 

We were still holding eyes in the mirror. I broke my gaze and turned around, pushing past him. I walked out of the small bathroom and back into Jace’s bedroom. He’s not going to forgive me. I threatened to kill myself if he didn’t change me. Who does that? What kind of crazy horrible person threatens someone by saying their going to kill themselves?

And then I remembered. I did. I do. I’m that person. But I did it because if I hadn’t about a hundred teenagers would be dead in the middle of the forest in less than a month. One had already died. Maybe more. I did it because my best friend had died. I did it because I couldn’t let that happen to anyone else. Suicide was my last bargaining chip. 

“Ok.” I respond. But really how do I feel? Different. I feel stronger. Not muscle man strong. Emotionally stronger. But maybe that’s just because I know I’ll be accomplishing what I’ve wanted to do since I was captured. I’ll be setting those I care about free. I have no doubt that it will work. “Itchy.” 

“Of course, the itch just means you need blood, if you don’t get it soon it begins to feel like bugs crawling under your skin. I’ll take you down to the feeders right away. I’m sure you can borrow somebody else’s until you can capture your own.”

He started towards the door. “I don’t get to ride on your back this time?” I ask. 

“Well, I don’t imagine you’ll have trouble keeping up on your own. You are one of us now.” Jace point’s out. I hadn’t thought about that. I’ll be able to keep up with him now. I ignored his peevish tone and followed him out the door and down the stairs. He began to quicken his pace to a quick stride that I matched easily. He quickened again to a jog and then a run. I easily kept up. 

By the time we exited the palace we were running just slightly faster than an average human. Gradually we began to sprint faster. We were in the deep forest, and the canopy of the trees was hundreds of feet high. 

I felt like I’d been there before. I could see every detail of every leaf. I felt a huge sense of deja vu. 

I stopped dead. Jace ran a few more yards before realizing I was no longer next to him, wheeling around and coming back to me. “What forest are we in?”

I asked, eyes wide. If I was alive, my heart would be pounding. 

“The Redwood National park in California. Why?” I was from Vancouver. I was in another country. Far away from home. That certainly threw a wrench into the plan. I felt sick. 

“Just wondering.” 

We started running again, every so often, Jace would look over and check to see if I was ok. He seemed confused about my attitude, but I certainly wasn’t going to be the one to tell him what was going on. 

We soon arrived at a stone building. It was quite tall and I don’t see how any one could miss it ever, but then I remembered how Jace once told me a whole back that it was glamoured. If I wasn’t a vampire, I wouldn’t ever know of it’s existence. 

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