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*****6 years later*****

     "Mom!" I heard my oldest daughter shout. I got up with my 5 year old son, Martin on my hip. I walked up the stairs to Jazzy's room and saw the cutest thing! "Mom! Help!" she managed in between giggles.

     My husband and mate Harry was tickling her on the floor of her purple bedroom. They were also covered in red and green paint. I merely smiled and shook my head at the two of them. She really is a daddy's little girl. "Mommy help!" she giggled again.

     "Alright." I said. I set Martin down and let him loose. He ran over to Harry and climbed on top of him. He shifted into his chocolate brown wolf and started to playfully claw at Harry's back. Jazzy then shifted into her honey colored wolf. Then Harry stood up with Martin still on his back and took his shirt off, revealing those abs that I still adore. I stared them and crossed my arms leaning against the door frame, licking my lips. 

     "Like what you see babe?" he smirked. He knew he still affected me like he did when we first met. And he took advantage of that every chance he got.

     I remained silent. Through my mouth any way.

     Kind of. I linked.

     What do you mean 'kind of' Cris?

     Well, it's been a few weeks since I've done anything with them, so I can't really say for sure. This time, it was my turn to smirk.

     Just wait. You'll see why you love them. He kept his smirk as I blushed and he shifted into his wolf.

     His black fur shimmered in the sunlight as it always did and always will. That much I know for sure. Martin jumped up on his back and started nibbling on Harry's ears. Jazzy came up to me and sat at my feet. She looked up at me with her iresistable puppy dog eyes, and started to whine softly. I smiled and patted her head before walking into her closet. I took off my shorts and tank top, before shifting into my snow white wolf Lexi. She knew Max, Harry's wolf, was near so she started to whine. I walked out of the closet and trotted up to my family.

     I laid down beside Harry, while Jazzy started to nibble and pull on my ears. I shook my head and gently tossed her on the ground. I nuzzled my nose into her underbelly causing her to growl and start to thrash around. I smiled in my head and picked my head up.

     Harry was staring at us, and his eyes held love, peace, and content. I gave him the wolfy expression for confusion.

     What? I asked.

     Just you. And our babies. He simply said. I never in a million years thought I would be this lucky.

     He rested his head on his paws so that I was looking down at him. Jazzy yawned and snuggled into my side. Martin came over and snuggled into my side next to his big sister. I laid my head down next to them and wrapped my tail around them, almost reaching my nose. Harry got up and came behind me. He laid his head on my back and settled his larger body behind me, wrapping me in his warmth. He licked the side of my nuzzle. I licked his in return and laid my head back down. I closed my eyes with a wolfy smile on my face.

     This is my family.

     This is my world now.

     We're not the perfect family but we are a family.

     And nothing will ever change that.



Oh my gosh guys. The story. It- its over.

*Silent tears*

Oh my gosh! Thank you guys so much for reading this story,a nd voing, and following, and commenting! It means so much! I have some good news though! I'm going to do........

*dramatic drum rolling*

........ A sequel! It's gonna be about Jazzy and her mate, so keep an eye out for that. I'm busy this weekend, but should have it up before next Sunday, but we'll see.

Sorry this is short, but I wanted a short sweet and simple wrap up to my story. Anyway thank you guys so much for the support and sticking to the story. It means a lot. Okay well, you know the drill.







~Abster~ (<3)

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