Chapter 9

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Crystal's dress>>>>>

Chapter 9

Crystal's P.O.V

     I ran to the door that I figured led to the bathroom on the other side of the room. I was right. Small but it had a mirror a toilet and shower, so it was good enough for me. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I was horrified.

     Harry was right. My hair at the moment could be considered an afro. I searched everywhere in the bathroom, until I found a brush. I wet it then  ran it through my waves. I need to get my highlights touched up and soon, because they were almost completely gone.

     After struggling with my hair for about 10 minutes, I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I called out.

     "It's Harry's mother. My name is Anne." a woman's voice said.

     I walked out of the bathroom to find an older woman and a younger girl. I could tell the older on was related to Harry, they both shared similarities. "Hi sweetie. I'm Anne and this is my friends daughter Hope. Harry wanted us to help you get ready for tonight." Anne said.

     Hope and Anne led me to another room which was only for clothes. There were clothes everywhere. There was a small bed although I have no clue why, and racks upon racks of clothes.

     They led me to the right side of the room and there were dresses of every kind. From sundresses to formal. I stared at the room with my jaw on the floor. "I am in Paradise." I breathed. Anne and Hope just laughed and started to pick out formal dresses. I was never one for dresses, but they were really pretty, and I had to look good for Harry tonight.

     After about an hour we all decided on one dress. It was a silver sleeveless dress with silver glitter. It almost touched the ground, and it had a slit over my right leg, ending just before my upper thigh. I had silver wedges to match, since I don't do heels, and a small black hand bag.

     "Now," Hope said. "Time for make-up and jewelry."

     They took me over to a small vanity and started applying make-up. Hope put smoky eyes shadow on perfectly and dark, but not too dark, red lipstick on, and some blush. Anne gave me black hoop earrings, since my ears were pierced and a black choker for my necklace. She also gave me silver and black bangles.

     After they were through with me they started to get ready. In less then thirty minutes they were both ready. Anne wore a simple black dress with black three-inch heels and a pearl bag. Hope had a plum dress on that stopped just over her knees, showing off her long legs. Their make-up was done to perfection.

     10 minutes later it was time to go.

     Anne, Hope and I walked together into a large ballroom in the center of the huge mansion. There were people and ball gowns and suits everywhere. As we stepped into the room all conversation stopped and everyone just stared at us, or me, I should say.

     I was starting to get a little twitchy and nervous. Then everyone bowed their heads as two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I instantly felt better. The conversations started up again and I was no longer the center of attention. At least I hope not. I thought.

     "You look beautiful, my angel." a deep voice whispered in my ear, and I couldn't help the shiver that ran through my back. "To beautiful. I don't like how other males are looking at you, Angel." Harry growled in my ear.

     "Why do you keep calling me Angel?" I asked to keep his mind off it.

     "I call you Angel because to me that is exactly what you are. Cris you are my angel made for me, and only me. Don't ever think of yourself as anything less." he replied with his lips grazing my ear.

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